When I Read A Poem…

Author: siggy

When I read a poem of mine in public, I have the audience for the first ten seconds.  If I don’t capture their attention right away, I lose them so the beginnings of my poems have to be interesting and are important.  I do not read a poem in public if there is any part of it I am not satisfied with.  I can’t read the poem confidently and with the right inflections and feelings if I have any doubts concerning the poem.  I have to believe in the whole package, that the poem was put together well.  So with any piece of writing:  you can’t have any major doubts of it, if you want to submit it for publication.  It has to be as good as you can get it.

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2 Responses to “When I Read A Poem…”

  1. Cat Woodsc Says:

    I’ve never read poetry in public, but I fully understand the sentiment. We get a split second of audience attention. If we don’t nail it, we have more work to do.

    I applaud anyone who can read their own writing in public. This is the hardest thing I have ever done and thank the Lord my audience is kids. Those I can read to!

  2. Siggy Says:

    Dear Cat Woods,
    I used to be petrified about public speaking. I started reading regularly my poetry in public about ten years ago in my county. I found out I had a talent for making people laugh and I really got a kick out of it. And wrote more and more humorous poems many of which I have read in public. I recorded two CD’s the last three years and gave most of the copies away for presents. If you go on my web site siggyscafe.com, you will be able to play a few clips. I still get nervous when I get up to read. The feedback I have gotten from open mikes have been generally pretty positive. Poems are easier for me to read: they are often little stories. My wife is an excellent editor. The best comedians make you laugh at things that sometimes are painful. I have learned to mix serious poems with funny ones. I have gotten a reputation for unpredictability: people never know what to expect from me. I can read with power and confidence because I have polished my poems and write with honesty. I always strive for simplicity and clarity.