I am no longer going to entertain the idea of frying up any trout I catch on my camp/fishing trip in May. I remember last year keeping a little bigger sized rainbow trout than normal to eat it for dinner later.

I had placed it on a stringer in the water. It started bleeding from the gills. I could not bear the thought of it dying that way. I released it and permitted it to swim away. This year I will let all the trout I catch back in the water immediately. My days of killing fish are now gone.

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2 Responses to “I No Longer Am Going To Entertain Frying Up Any Trout I Catch”

  1. Cat Woods Says:


    I wish I could agree with that sentiment, but I love eating fish. My rule in our house is “if you kill it, you eat it.” I don’t go in for “murder” without purpose, but I have long grown up cultivating and catching our own food, so have to compromise a little on that end.


  2. siggy Says:

    Actually I do eat fish but It is, of course, dead when I buy it. I am talking just about fish I catch fishing. I just want to put them back after I catch them. i no longer want to keep any. I don’t hunt at all but I do fish and I am sure if I had to eat fish to survive I would.