I felt sorry for the maple sapling.  It was lying there still alive prone to the ground.  It was between four and five feet tall and eighteen inches from the border.  My wife did not say anything but I must have run it over backing into the driveway.

We did not plant it.  Mother nature did.  It was really not growing in a good spot.  Eventually it was (???) interfere with the electrical wires above.  All that did not make a difference.  I was responsible for running it over.  I did not know what to do with it.  And every time I looked at it I was reminded of my carelessness.  I just felt bad.

It is a small thing but I date every med change.  I put it on the calender.  I find out my memory is not always good.  That way I have a reference point.  Most meds take five to ten days to work.  If enough time has gone by and there has been not much change or any, I can inform my doctor of this.  There is something called a therapeutic level.  Most drugs I take it is usually ten to fourteen days and there should be some change in five or six days.  Writing the drug change on the calender helps me keep track of this and enables me to tell my doctor when the dosage is too high or the medication is not the right one.  It is one way I am a responsible patient.  The doctor can do so much.  The rest is up to me.

My wife offered two bookcases through “Freecycle”, a yahoo web site and world-wide organization.  Someone was coming from an hour away to get them.  I was skeptical someone would travel that far for a bookcase whose top shelf was broken (the other bookcase was fine).

The two finally came in a beat up truck.  The lady did not blink when she looked at the broken bookcase.  “I came from the South and was ‘dirt poor’.  When something is broken, we just fix it,” she said.  We also gave them an end table.

I felt humbled by her comment.  I am too quick to throw away something out (???) when it is not perfect any more or needs fixing.  People often get rid of perfectly good things.

There is so much waste here.  I remember reading Mother Teresa would write a letter on any scrap of paper.  I am so quick to throw a sheet of paper away.  I am guilty too of waste.

I had a friend who made a living going through people’s junk they threw out.  Freecycle’s philosophy is they want to keep things out of landfill.  Someone’s junk is someone’s treasure.  That lady reminded me (???) that again.

If you do not act on your deepest beliefs, you do not have integrity. Your personality is split. Integrity comes from the Latin integer, which means one.

A person who has integrity is the same in the inside as well as he/she portrays on the outside. Too many politicians are overly concerned with appearance and not enough with character.

Too much faith is given in polls and not enough on the issues that are important to you (and the people) for the office you are running for.

No one wants to vote for a phony. Integrity matters. It still does. That has not changed. It always matters.

Can you separate religion and morality from politics? I don’t think so. Every action a politician makes or thinks about reflects some kind of value. You have to be driven by something.

Nothing you do or say is (???) can be done in a vacuum so trying to say you can is impossible. There are politics in every sphere of life—government, the church, the family and education.

It is impossible to say you can do something without reflecting some kind of value so telling a politician you have to separate religion and your deepest values from the actions you make or say is impossible.

Religion and morality can not be separated they are intertwined in a person’s character. No one acts in a void.