“It’s just a shame that this happened to him.”  And what was it that happened to him.  He had a stroke and died two days later.  Sure he was in the football hall of fame, led Oklahoma to two national titles.  So what?!  Death claims us all.  We just don’t know when.  Sometimes it is suddenly and totally unexpected.  Other times it is slowly.  But it happens to every person.  No exceptions.  And society (and others) act surprised when it occurs.  It is just not supposed to happen.  At least, others act that way.  We just don’t know when it is going to happen.  And it is always a shock.

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2 Responses to “‘It’s just a shame that this happened to him.’ Death Claims Us All!”

  1. Sara Says:

    We just don’t have a comfort zone with dying…….and that might be fear-based, I suppose. I liked your blurbs on too much stuff, alcoholism, and gratitude, too. Letting go of stuff is so incredibly freeing. It takes a huge amount of courage, though, and the belief that we are not our stuff, and life will go on just fine without it. Alcoholism has deeply impacted my life, and I am grateful that I can have a lovely glass of wine and put the rest away for another time. I have always thought that my dad just didn’t know how super a person he was sober. He died at age 64, just four years older than I am now. What a loss.

  2. siggy Says:

    Death is such a taboo subject.

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