I mourned the dead cottontail.  I spotted it last night at the far end of our fence just a few feet from the road.  I don’t know if a cat killed it.  I loved watching the rabbits from the kitchen window cavort in the backyard.  There were at least one adult one and two younger ones.  I wanted to examine it to determine what killed it but I really did not want to see it dead.  I just felt bad.

Every time I pass a stream or a river I gaze downstream (or upstream).  To me the body of water represents mystery.  If I am on foot I want to see if I spot any fish or other creature in the water.  By car, I am on the outlook for any kind of duck or egret or other bird.  I am always curious what I will see.  There is a marsh nearby and I am always looking for a snowy egret or the much larger great egret there.  I could not believe it when I flushed a blue heron who was drinking the water of the small creek less than an hundred yards from my house.  I face nature with a sense of wonder.  There is always the sense of mystery.  I know the Almighty has instilled that in me and every child has it and far too many lose it.  To view this universe without a sense of awe is a great loss.  With it, you will discover wonders and beauty all around you.  All you have to do is open your eyes with a sense of expectation.

I spotted a pair of birds I had never seen before in the park.  I knew they were swallows but I did not know what kind.  I dug up my bird book and identified them as tree swallows.  The male had a vivid blue head.  I knew the River had cliff swallows.  They are somewhat drab looking.  I thought it might be a barn swallow but that was not the case.  They came from nowhere and for a short time hovered back and forth over the fence that enclosed the basketball court and then disappeared.  I was thrilled to see a species of birds I had never seen before.

I Still Watch My Plants

Author: siggy

I still watch my plants.  The rubber tree and snake plant seem to grow a little each day.  It is now out of its dormant period.  I inspect it every day or two.  We don’t do too well with African violets but the one plant in the kitchen has flowers.  Today one was completely open–a ruffled pink flower.  It will only have a total of two flowers but I will consider them gifts.  My plant inspections go beyond my house plants.  I like walking around my yard to see what discoveries I will make next.  I have a personal relationship with my plants.  I like to watch them closely.

A Present On My Birthday

Author: siggy

We were only two or three miles from my house returning from my birthday lunch.  A pileated woodpecker crossed the road right in front of our car fifteen feet up.  Its red crest was unmistakable.  My wife had never seen one before.  In the past nine years I have only seen a couple.  Both of us were thrilled.  You don’t see them too often.  You are more liable to hear their wild cackle than to see them.  I considered the sighting a present for my birthday.

Why do your clothes have to look new all the time.  I have been hesitating to wear my bright orange cap because the brim is frayed.  I just wore it out.  I thought that was ridiculous.  Who cares it looks worn?  Why can’t we wear out clothing.  It was one of my favorite hats.  It has the name of a state park one of my best friends and I fished/camped the last five years.  The hat reminds me of him.  Today it matched my outfit so I will wear it despite what any one thinks.  I like the hat.  And that is enough for me.

Everything Is By Grace

Author: siggy

Everything is by grace.  Today is a good day to count my blessings.  I am not in dialysis.  My kidney function has stabilized (the last three years).  It is not good but it is livable.  My wife loves me.  And my two sisters and my brother-in-law (and a friend) sent me birthday cards (and one check).  There is so much to be grateful of–two well running cars and a roof over my shoulders.  There is no pressing financial needs.  And I am surrounded by animals I love (in fact, there are eleven in this house).  I love watching the birds out my window.  And now I am waiting for the first hummingbird to find the nectar I just put out.  My life is not perfect but it is good.  I am aware God does not owe anything.  Everything is by grace.  And He owns everything.

My wife excitedly told me she saw from the kitchen window facing the backyard two bunnies chasing each other, going around the undergrowth.  I looked out the window and at first didn’t see any bunnies, but then two appeared, again chasing each other.  Later on, Momma Bunny appeared and decided to enjoy our grass nearby.  She was quite bigger than the other two.  The others must have been her kids.  I love watching cottontails from of (???) the window.

It was time to review the book King Solomon wrote in the bible, Ecclesiastes.  I hadn’t read my Bible in a while, and I realized the issues that I was facing, and causing some of the depression, were the same issues King Solomon was writing about in his book.  King Solomon was the richest man in the world and lacked nothing.  He had hundreds of concubines.  He questioned the purpose of his life.  Things didn’t make him happy.  At times he despaired.  He said, what was the use, the same fate faces me as other people?

I realized it was time to review his book.  I certainly wasn’t the richest man in the world, but I was dealing with the same issues:  can things satisfy you?  What was the purpose of your life?  I certainly was at the tail end of my life.  So yesterday I picked up a Bible and started reading his book.  I know in the end he says the only wisdom is to fear the Lord, but I want to first read through all the issues he was detailing of his life.

I wanted the turtle to be safe.  On my way home, I drove over a turtle that was near the middle of the road.  I was concerned about it.  I didn’t want anyone to run it over, so I pulled over and went back.  It was a five inch long box turtle–fairly big as far as box turtles are.  It was about 2/3 of the way across, and when it saw me it scooted the rest of the way across, heading toward a brook.  When I approached it again it just withdrew into its shell.  I was glad it was safely across the road.  Then I drove home.

It was a quick picture I might have easily missed. We noted recently our neighbors down the road must have gotten a burro. You always have to be careful when you pass by their house: their chickens cross the road all the time. Yesterday I was passing their house and spotted the burro in the yard on its back. It must have had an itch it was taking care of. That little detail made my day. It is impossible to see everything but, nevertheless, you never know what will come your way when you view your world expectantly.

The tulips in the garden were still closed. I noted the time: it was 10:30AM. I guess when the day progresses the tulips will open and at the end of the day close, again. That is a big mystery why they do that but they do.

Our garden has never had so many flowers in it. Pansies are all over. The daffodils are still blooming and there are different varieties which make it fun to look at. These get less sun so they took longer to bloom. Others had finished their bloom weeks ago.

The row of tulips planted last year all came up. There are at least three different varieties among them: pink, yellow and pink ones with yellow on them.

My wife has planted some seeds and we are still waiting for them to come up. It is a mystery to me what causes seeds to germinate. I help her a little more now for she has a bad back. The five different colored primrose are still abloom. It is still cool. Every morning I walk around the garden to see what is coming up next. There are always surprises.