Winter kind of snuck up on me.  Before I knew it it was December 21.  When spring is six weeks away, I will start my countdown to it.  Now I will ignore the winter and just endure the low temperatures and bad weather.

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2 Responses to “Winter Kind Of Snuck Up On Me”

  1. Sara Says:

    Good blurbs, Siggy……dogs, cats, winter, and music. All stuff that is a part of our world. I laughed about your feeling old re: Dylan. I feel old when I find myself singing songs my mom sang to me……YIKES……I remember all of the words to some very old songs!! We haven’t had much sun here, so I am quietly flowing through the days. I don’t like the grey, heavy skies. I accept the weather, regardless of what it is, but I don’t LIKE it when it’s dark and rainy. My inner light often needs outer light!! At least you get snow!

  2. siggy Says:

    Spring is around the corner. Now I am going to start my robin hunt–to see how early in march I can spot one.


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