Yesterday we saw A small toad not much bigger than a thumbnail disappear into our garage. I guess there are plenty of bugs there for him to feed on. We saw the same toad twice yesterday. And twice he disappeared into the garage. Every year we see toads in our front yard. All sizes. From humungous to tiny. And everything in between. Sometimes we leave the front lights on which attracts the bugs which in turn attracts the toads. I always wonder where the toads go in the winter time.

Once I even saw a black toad disappear in a crack between the ground and the wall of our house. I had never seen a black one before. Some toads must live a few years because I have seen some really big ones. And to reach that size they must be several years old. Once in awhile a possum comes into our yard and the dogs lose interest in it when it “plays dead.” It is always gone the next day. We live on the edge of country so I am never sure what creature will show up next. Even bears have shown up on our property.

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