There are differences between Tilla and Coco, who I call my “pups” (we raised them from pups}.  Coco when she wants her belly rubbed, will demurely, ever so slowly raise her right paw to indicate that.  Tilla will simply flip himself on his back and demand his undersides be rubbed.  He has no shame.  It is, though a very vulnerable position to expose your soft underside.  He must trust me.  I do usually rub his belly whenever he wants.

Coco loves her bones.  I have more than once seen her sitting so dainty like cross her front paws with a big bone laying over her front paws.  Tilla is more aggressive and if he chooses will easily take away her bone with almost no fight from her.  But do not mistake Coco:  she can quickly let us know if she wants to go out or come in.  Coco often can be found sleeping in our bedroom next to the bed when it is time for us to retire.

Oh by the way both dogs are black, Tilla is short haired and Coco is long haired.  Both weigh in the vicinity of eighty pounds.  And Coco has a reddish tint to her body.  Tilla is barrel chested and sleek while Coco is rolypoly and looks like she could stand to lose a pound or two.

Tilla is really more aggressive.  I call him “small woof”.  He is more unpredictable than Coco.  I can’t tell Tilla apart from his Dad when either bark.  His Dad (who we call “Big Woof”) is a rottweiler mix over ninety pounds.  These are just a few observations particularly of the two dogs first mentioned.