I read a Christian organization was sending ten golden retrievers to the Connecticut school where twenty children were gunned down.  The dogs will love the children and comfort them in a way humans couldn’t.  I know.  I have a golden retriever.  They are extreme tactile.  They love to be touched and hugged.  What a wonderful idea–to send those dogs to that school.

Happiness and Life

Author: siggy

I never waited for any future magical moment to be happy. When I had less money I still enjoyed myself–even when I did not have enough.

Although I dreamed of a normal existence–more normal that is (an existence like one day being married and have a family, children), I still did not bemoan my fate.

And it did happen. And when it did, the period was no utopia: other problems presented themselves and had to be solved. And not all of them had a solution.

Each period of my life when I had less and when I had more I still was determined to find joy in life.

I did not keep postponing my life even when there were dreams not fulfilled. Every moment I had some joy (and sometimes sorrow) in it.

And the remainder of my life I do not dread. Death will be another joy, mystery. After all, it is another part of living. And every part is to be enjoyed.

Tilla gets all the belly rubs he wants.  He is one of my black dogs.  He rolls over quite readily asking for a belly rub.  And he usually gets it.  Why do humans have such problems in seeking affection from others?  And why does it get so complicated?

I really do not know.  Why can’t others be more honest.  Of course we can’t roll over on our bellies but we can approach each other without guile.  You are more likely to get strokes from others if you are not deceitful.

I know Tilla loves me.  He is a dog.  So what.  There is something very simple about pets:  they either like you or they don’t.  They never feign affection.  We can learn something from this behaviour.  Be who you are, whoever you are.  It will pay in the future.

Don’t be so afraid of getting hurt.  Of course, children, most children are honest and open in their dealings and expression of their emotions.  And somehow a lot of people lose something in the process of growing up.

Never pretend to be something you are not.  Others usually see through other people’s disguises.  Just be who you are.  A tall order but simple.  You will benefit in the long run.

‘Your window to the world might be your own front door.  Your shiniest day might come in the middle of the night.’  Two lines from the Blackhawk song “That’s Just About Right”.  I identify with those two lines.

I am not sure I will ever do any thing earthshaking.  Nor will I ever be the President or some CEO of a corporation.  I realize maybe what I do in my own backyard might be important.

Notoriety or fame is overrated.  I remember reading in Bob Dylan’s autobiography how he wanted fame early on and then got it and wished he didn’t have it.  He wanted his children to have a normal existence and they could not.

Some weirdo was always showing up on his doorsteps.  Anonymity is really a gift.  And the famous lose it.  Dylan bemoaned its loss.  And realized fame was not what it was cut out to be.

I will continue to do what the Lord has called me to do.  Whether or not others recognize it.  The words I write if they impact at least one person they served their purpose.  I will continue to reach out and love the people around me.

The words from this song remind me to continue writing for it still matters to me no matter how many people read it.  So I continue for I know I have to.

Your True Inheritance

Author: siggy

Your true inheritance is not your things:  it is the people you have touched in your lifetime.  It is the people who you have influenced who are here after you are gone.  It is your children (if you have been blessed with them), your friends.  Every person you have ever impacted in your life.

It can only happen if you invest time in others, if you are genuine, reached out to those in need.  And there are neighbors always in need in some way.  You just have to pay attention.  That is your true inheritance.

It is not your house, your expensive sound system, your car, your books.  You can not take any possession with you.  In fact, there is nothing you can take with you after you are gone.

The people you have influenced affect others in an ever widening circle.  That is your true inheritance.