Today just about everyone has a cell phone.  Or a computer.  It gives the illusion everyone’s connected.  And true communication is occurring.  It is just that–an illusion.  Communication is nine tenths non verbal.  True communication is face to face.  Deception today is all too easy.  Anyone can text via cell phone. Or E Mail.  Any where you go it appears people’s ears are attached permanently to their cell phones.  It is far harder to talk to someone in person.  You miss too much if you insist just on using your cell phone or E Mail.  It is just one kind of communication.  And it is very flawed and incomplete so never forget that.  And far too easy to deceive another.

The Reality Of Can’t

Author: siggy

The reality of can’t.  There are some things we can not do.  Everyone is handicapped.  Of course, the handicaps are often invisible.  If there were thousands of talents in the world maybe you only possess several hundred.

The only tragedy of the word can’t is when you give up too soon and never find out what you can truly do.  And unfortunately that happens all the time.  That is why a computer can not replace a superb teacher (or parent or friend or mate) who can inspire you to greater heights.  No computer can do that.

Just realize there are some things you will never be able to do.  It is not one of your gifts.  Period.  And that is okay.  I believe each person I meet can do something well.  Much better than I ever can.  You just have to find his/her talent.

So don’t write off others, appreciate what they can do.  And accept your limitations.  But never give up on your talents.  Never.  Always try.  Don’t quit prematurely.

And it is not enough you can do something.  You have to want to.  That is another reality of the word.  Talent is not enough.  We are all wired differently.  So you have to listen to your mind and body.  And that is really part of the equation of the word can’t.

Each person gives what they can.  It is not always what you want.  Nevertheless, you have to appreciate their time.  My wife had started a project a few days ago of copying my blogs to the hard drive–something that took her hours.

I realized that yesterday she had finished transferring the rest of my blogs to our computer.  I did not realize she was working most of the day.

I needed to acknowledge the greatest gift she could give of herself her time.  And thank her for it.  So when she gets up, I need to show her I appreciate the hours she spent on the project.

It is never too late to say “thank you” to your wife.  In every marriage you fall into tasks:  you divide the work among you.  Each person does certain things.  It is often tasks we like doing.

It is easy to take the jobs your mate does routinely for granted.  My wife loves the computer and keeps it running smoothly.  She also balances the checkbook and does our laundry.

It is very easy to take these things for granted.  Somehow I have to look at the things she does, stop taking them for granted and also acknowledge and thank her.

It is never too late to do this.  There is nothing worst then a disgruntled mate.  Everyone wants to feel appreciated.  Noticing what your mate does is a good start.

Every thing is a privilege and it is so easy to take every privilege we have for granted until we lose it.  I was so used to have the internet until our computer broke down.  Now there were all kinds of things I could no longer do:  for one I no longer had E Mail, something I use every day.

I did not have access to my stored files.  I could no longer access the internet.  All of this I took for granted when the truth was every thing I have is a privilege.  Every thing is by grace.

There are so many other things that are privileges, simple things:  like being able to type, talk, move.  My aunt lost all those abilities when she had a severe stroke.  Everything is a privilege and often we don’t understand that until we lose that privilege.  Everything is by grace.  And may I never forget that.

A Carolina wren had made its nest in a pansy pot hanging from the garage door.  The nest faced the inside of the garage.  I spied the birds repeatedly getting and bringing pieces of suet to their young.  I stood below the nest and still could not hear the young.  A while back I had shined a flashlight into the nest and spotted three eggs in it.

Today when I opened the garage door I flushed two young wrens out of the nest and they half flew, half ran into my very disordered, cluttered garage.  Their parents were squawking very excitedly nearby.  I left the door open so eventually the two birds would find their way out.

I did see one bird against the far wall, then flapping near the entrance of the garage door.  I assumed it got out.

Then I had another encounter with another local denizen later on.  I could not understand why all of a sudden six cats were congregating near the computer.  Suddenly I spied a small mouse trying to evade their grasp.  scaredmouseI quickly trapped it with two sneakers and released it outside near the woods.  It must have been terrified for I checked the sneaker an hour later and it still was in there.  I encouraged it to run into the woods.  These were my two encounters with the creatures around my house.