In a mere four days spring arrives.  I usually start a countdown to spring earlier but this weather was unusually warmer.  The primrose and crocuses have bloomed.  The daffodils are next.  Pretty soon we will start planting pansies and other flowers.

Spring is coming, Spring is coming !!! I am waiting for today and tomorrow to end. Then we get five days of Spring-like weather. My crocuses have eleven buds, and the daffodils are getting higher and higher. I know the cold weather this year was short, but I still remember those ice cold days we had. Spring is less than two weeks away, and I can’t wait for it to come.

It is the second day of spring but we will have to wait at least another two days for truly “spring” weather. The first day we had a minor snow storm. I expect the warmer weather will rapidly melt the snow. It won’t hang around for months this time. We already have some crocuses blooming although I did not see this first hand. They only bloom in the bright sunlight. Before I know it the long cold winter will be a distant memory.

The Cold Freeze

Author: siggy

It is hard to imagine spring is less than four weeks away. The warmest it gets in the next ten days will be thirty-four degrees. That is the only time it will be above freezing. They are still predicting more snow. I do not want to leave the warmth of my house. As soon as the covering of the snow melts (as if it will ever) and that is how it feels right now, I will check to see if the daffodils are coming up. Those are the two spring flowers–daffodils and crocuses that come up first. Actually the primrose come up first but I am not sure any of them are left. It is too cold for even them.

The purple crocuses are still blooming.  They last a long time although they are not open the whole day depending on the daylight.  The yellow primrose are the only other flowers blooming.  For the second year in a row they made it through the whole winter.  I checked on our daffodils.  They are not blooming yet.  Other flowers are coming up like the hyacinth and tulip and I am sure there will be others.  It is exciting to walk around our land and see what is coming next.  I once had a teacher who had lived in Hawaii and did not understand what spring meant to others until she moved here.  Spring is always an reawakening of the earth here.

I saw my first robin on someone’s lawn today–five days before the official entry of spring.  A week ago I drove all over town looking for one–no luck.  I will just record this for posterity.  I did note the crocuses were completely open today.  They will last awhile.  The temperature has also risen slightly.  We are occasionally getting days in the fifties.  These are all signs spring is about to come.

There was a hawk I could not identify despite looking in three bird books.  He was again spotted sitting on a wire kind of scrunched up dark brown over twelves inches tall.  He was near a marsh again for the third time.  Last week we spotted an immature bald eagle (no white head) and a red tailed hawk (identified by my wife) both flying high in the sky.  Nearby the eagle there is an eagle nest high up the cliff which could only be seen when the trees had no leaves.  This could be the third year it was there.  We are still waiting for the first goldfinch to come to our thistle feeder.  I don’t understand why they have not found it.  I did put out fresh thistle.  Maybe, they have not come because I did not clean the feeder.  My faucet for outside was still turned off.  My wife today saw her first crocuses going into town.  Every day there will be more surprises.  That is the wonder of spring.