Winter kind of snuck up on me.  Before I knew it it was December 21.  When spring is six weeks away, I will start my countdown to it.  Now I will ignore the winter and just endure the low temperatures and bad weather.

The temperature is all relative:  today it is forty-seven degrees.  Cool for a late April date.  Yet if we had the same temperature in December or January, it would have been considered a warm day.  It is all a matter of perspective (and our expectations).  The best thing is just to enjoy the weather no matter what it is and make the best of it.  You have no control of the weather.  You just adjust.  There is no other way.

I have adjusted my expectations (of Spring).  My wife said it was really ‘December weather’ and I agreed.  Early morning it was nineteen degrees and currently it is thirty-three.  I will think cold and wait until it decides to become spring.  I have lowered my expectations.  It is really winter.  As far as I am concerned.

There was a blanket of white when I got up.  It was a dusting–maybe an inch.  Through the back kitchen window I saw the ground and trees were completely white.  I immediately put some sunflower seed on my platform bird feeder and I am watching a brilliant red cardinal partaking of his meal.  This was the first snowfall of the season.  December and January have been mild so far–thirties and forties most of the time.  There has been no deep, extended “arctic” freeze so far.  I was delighted to see the snow.

We are having an heat wave:  I checked the thermostat on the car and it registered forty degrees.  Once it hit December it got cold and stayed that way.  In July, that would be a cold day.  It is all a sense of perspective.  Now I consider that warm.  Let us see what the rest of winter will bring.  We just missed a snow storm which created havoc at the airports in NYC.  So far nothing worse than a few flakes.  Our luck can’t hold out the rest of winter.  In any case, I will enjoy the weather today.

I just want the Winter (and cold weather) to be done.  And I did have a reprieve of Indian summer.  The most discouraging thing it is not even December yet.  I feel the same way every year.  I want to hibernate when the cold weather is here for good.

It does not make any difference how much I love the mostly mild weather in Autumn and Spring.  I would like to go away when this weather arrives.  I just don’t know how to pull it off especially with our menagerie of seven cats and four dogs.

These feelings regarding the cold weather are not new.  I have all my life lived in a temperate climate.  I just don’t know if there is anything I can do about it except to move and that does not seem like an option.  I will simply pray about it.  There is nothing more I can presently do about it.