The spring has arrived.  Everything has become green.  Most of the deciduous trees the leaves have come out although there are some late bloomers.  Some trees are only budding.  Spring is almost at the halfway mark.  And there are occasional days where it has skipped the season and went straight into summer but then it becomes cooler again and we know it is still spring.  I inspect my garden every day to see the next bloom of the year.  And then share the discovery with my Other.  Spring is the season of discoveries.  And I always like sharing the latest.  The hummingbird arrived on Easter only last week.  This time my wife spotted the bird first.  I love watching them sip nectar from our feeder.  And fend off other hummingbirds who invade their territory.

I became aware I never saw the bird nest in the lilac bush on the border of our driveway.  I looked at the nest and realized it came from a smaller bird than a robin.

Fifteen feet away a scarlet tanager nested in a box for the second year in a row although I only saw it once or twice but I never noticed the other nest.

And wondered what kind of bird was it and why did I miss it only mere steps from our front door?  Why was I that preoccupied that I did not spot the nest?

That seems to happen every year:  deciduous trees reveal their nests after they are stripped of leaves.  I always wonder why I did not spot the nests even when they are nearby.