Sometimes you need to get physically moving to dispel your depression.  I woke up depressed.  I found out after moving around and doing chores most of the depression lifted.  It helps when you do not stay in one spot too long and face your day.  It is too easy to give in to your depressed thoughts.  Thank God for routine.  It does not give you the privilege of bemoaning your fate.  There are always tasks that need to be done.  And you have to focus on that.  It gets you out of yourself.  And that is a good thing.

Which comes first:  the depression or the depressed thoughts.  It was unusual.  I fell into a depression early in the morning and then could find all kinds of reasons to justify it.

Most of the time I become depressed in the late afternoon or evening because of fatigue.  I can’t give that reason this time obviously.

I just wonder though.  Was it totally biochemical or was it an accumulation of events that set off a depression.  One more is just enough to tip over the bucket and cause depression.

I really do not know sometimes.  Nor do I spend an inordinate time trying to figure it out.  Depressions sometimes come and go.  That Is all I need to know.  They will end.