I Was At Loss What To Do

Author: siggy

I was at loss what to do.  Then I looked around and started to focus on the next thing.  First I turned off the shut off valve for the outside faucet.  Then I wiped off the two fold-able chairs and lounge chair.  They needed to come in from the yard.  There were other tasks that needed to be done.  And before I knew it an hour had passed.  And I even got a little tired in the process.  I will remember that another time time hangs too heavily:  do the next thing.

Every person has a need for purposeful activity.  It does not matter if you have a paying job or not.  Even if you are retired, unemployed or even disabled, it does not matter.  Every day you have to find activities which gives you purpose, a reason to get up every morning.

Every person has things in their life that are important, that gives them meaning.  And if you don’t do them, there is a “hole” in your life.  All you have to do to find them is to look around the people in your life who rely on you.

And also there are people in your community who need you.  As long as you don’t isolate yourself you will be aware of others’ needs.  Maybe a simple thing you can do to find the tasks around you that are important and give you meaning is do the next thing.

And when you finish the next thing go on to the next thing on your list.  Every person has a need for purposeful activity.  And you will know when you are on the right track there will be a sense of fulfillment in your life.  We are wired to love and help others.  You just have to keep your eyes open.

When you are feeling overwhelmed and can’t think clearly all you can do at that point is the next thing and eventually everything will take care of itself.

It may be a little difficult to ascertain the next thing but this certainly is the easiest thing to do when you are not able to look too far ahead.  And eventually your feeling of being paralyzed will pass.

If you can force yourself to look at your life and do what is most pressing, then go to the next thing, your life becomes more manageable no matter how you feel.

So the next time you can not see too far ahead figure out what the next thing in your life needs done and do it and eventually your life will settle down and feel more manageable.  The next thing should always be your goal.

Sometimes in the throes of depression all you can do is the next thing.  So that is what you focus on–the next thing that needs to be done in your life.  And sometimes when you do that–keep going to the next pressing task your depression will eventually lift.

Depression can be very selfish (and my intent is certainly not to make people who are in the midst of depression to feel guilty).  Nevertheless depression can numb you, prevent you from seeing very clearly and all you can do is to look at your life and deal with the next thing that has priority.  Then when you do the next thing another next thing shows up in your life.

Sometimes you are depressed because you are doing so little and doing the next thing will help eventually lift your depression.  Forcing yourself to physically move is a good thing whether or not you feel like it.

In the beginning it takes extra energy to get going.  Continually doing the next thing may get you going.  In the beginning it will take a bit of faith for you will not feel like moving.  Depression can be a deceiver.

If everyday you keep doing the next thing, before you know you will be more in control of your life and there will be less “loose ends”.  The advice from the Bible is very wise, ‘Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.’