I was struggling to fall asleep for five or six nights. I knew it was due to anxiety which was caused by fear. I happened to open up a book I had on faith and found several passages I had underlined. The words were just what I needed to allay my anxiety. I kept referring to them the next few days. I started sleeping better. And not taking so long to fall asleep. It was a book I had not opened in a long time. I must have been dealing with similar issues before. It was just the right words I needed to hear. Books can be lifesavers.

You can’t hide your faith.  Everything you do, say reflects some kind of value.  You may not be able to state directly your deepest feeling and thoughts.  Nevertheless, your actions always reflect your faith.  It may sound elementary but everybody has a mindset and it is reflected by what you say, do.  You can’t hide your faith.

Sometimes I do not see the birds.  I wonder where they went, whether I am just missing them.  A steady stream of titmouse, downy woodpecker and flocks of slate covered junco come to my feed I put out for them.

Presently there is not one bird out there.  The dogs were out and just charged in.  Now I am waiting for my visitors.  I do not remember exactly where I read it in the Bible but it says if God can feed the sparrow how can we possibly doubt God won’t take care of us.

I think it uses the word lowly to describe the sparrow.  I put out birdseed on the ground and keep three feeders full.  The birds do not, I am sure, spend one second worrying where their next meal comes from.  Even in winter.

If God takes can take care of the lowly sparrow how can we possibly doubt He will not take care of us?  Of (???) ye humans of bad faith!

Every act you undertake indicates a level of faith.  My wife and I planted some pussy willows that have sprouted in water.  Frost is a week or two away.  And there was part of me that thought it was too late to plant them.

Nevertheless, we planted them.  We knew the plants would not survive in the house and the only way we would have a chance for the plants to sprout was to plant them despite the lateness of the season.

We also planted them together so we can enjoy them later if they took hold and grew.  Gardening always takes faith.  Even tending plants indoors.  You try to do the right thing:  place the plant correctly according to the light and give it sufficient water.  Evey act requires faith.  This is a small example but every act is based on a certain level of faith–some more.

Sometimes in the throes of depression all you can do is the next thing.  So that is what you focus on–the next thing that needs to be done in your life.  And sometimes when you do that–keep going to the next pressing task your depression will eventually lift.

Depression can be very selfish (and my intent is certainly not to make people who are in the midst of depression to feel guilty).  Nevertheless depression can numb you, prevent you from seeing very clearly and all you can do is to look at your life and deal with the next thing that has priority.  Then when you do the next thing another next thing shows up in your life.

Sometimes you are depressed because you are doing so little and doing the next thing will help eventually lift your depression.  Forcing yourself to physically move is a good thing whether or not you feel like it.

In the beginning it takes extra energy to get going.  Continually doing the next thing may get you going.  In the beginning it will take a bit of faith for you will not feel like moving.  Depression can be a deceiver.

If everyday you keep doing the next thing, before you know you will be more in control of your life and there will be less “loose ends”.  The advice from the Bible is very wise, ‘Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.’

Each person has a mission (or calling).  And when we think we are finished, we are not.  Someone else (in some distant future) will pick up the threads of our life.

That is how it always was:  You take on someone else’s mission and at some point someone, somewhere will continue your unfinished business.

All one is asked is to do His will.  It should not be your concern even if you think you have completed the job.  Someone may come along and take your life’s work in a different direction.

All you are asked is to fulfill your own mission.  In the Old Testament it says, “God has set eternity in our hearts.” (the words of the Preacher in Ecclesiastes).  We never can see the complete picture.

Each person only sees his/her part and sometimes all we can do is to take the next step.  And that is all we are asked to do:  to take your next step.  And that takes faith in the unknown.

Your faith does not become faith until you are tested by the crucible of fire. Until then, it is mere words that you have uttered–nothing more.

Problems are what define you. The test of a good company is not when things are going right but when problems emerge. Similarly it is easy to espouse faith in God and his ability to take care of you when your health is fine and the rest of your life is going smoothly.

When problems emerge that appear impossible to solve or get past, then your faith gets tested. Then you truly find out what you are made of.

Faith always needs to be tested. Then you find out the fiber of your character. Being under fire is what refines you–not your words in what you believe to be true of the character of the Almighty. Faith when your back is against the wall and disaster strikes, that is when you find out what you honestly believe. Words are cheap.

Our faith is in things unseen. Meeting the challenges and difficulties of life is what defines you. Faith is only strengthened by fire. Either you grow or you fall apart. Then you know the extent of your faith in God and also His promises. Faith is never obtained cheaply: there is always a price to pay.