Of the eight cats I have “Cool Hand Luke” is the only one who comes to me.  She also sleeps nearby.  I brought her into the family when I married my wife over nine years ago.  Some of the other cats tolerate me and others even go into the opposite direction when I approach them so I appreciate her. (Yes, she is a female.)  “Cool Hand Luke” is completely black as were the dog and other cat I brought into the marriage–now both dead.  You never really own a cat.  In fact, they own you.  The dog I owned “Daisy” was really special to me.  It was the first dog I raised from a pup and also the first dog I trained although she was an adult when I did that.  When I was in the living room, she never took her eyes off of me and was one mighty stubborn dog.  Now I have a special relationship with “Tilla” one of my four dogs.  I never thought anyone would replace Daisy but he has.