Books are more important than anything in the whole world.  For what they represent.  During the dark ages monks preserved the legacy from the books.  Books contain ideas.  And ideas change the world.  That is why a free press is so important and along with a free internet.  Politicians would love to stop the free and world wide dissemination of information.  Propaganda is nothing new.  We have it in Red China.  And in every country.  And don’t kid ourselves we have it in the US.  Most politicians are great “spin doctors”.  They really do not answer to us.  It is really big business. Now the politicians here want major web sites like Facebook to routinely spy on its users and turn over the information to the government.  There is a bill in Congress to do that right now.  It is our own government we need protection from.  The fight over censorship is nothing new.

‘Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.’  I think these were words uttered by Thomas Jefferson.  A check and balance system is necessary for government.  That means a free press.  Open dissent is always important.  It forces you to consider another point of view.  Someone is always going to try to take your freedom away.  That is a fact.  That is why eternal vigilance is so important.  I never forgot the ‘Pogo’ cartoon which said ‘I have met the enemy and it is me.’  Everyone has to do their part.  Each person has a role in a democracy.  You can’t ignore your role.  One of the most important ones is your vote.  It matters.  Sometimes an election is won or lost by mere votes so never forget that.  Exercise your freedom to vote.  We have to make our politicians responsive to our needs and not let big money dictate their votes in the legislatures-state and federal.  A politician fears the wrath of the public and the last thing he/she wants to lose is your vote. And they do read the letters you send them.  ‘Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.’