I don’t care how good an iPad is it won’t replace a book or library.  I know the new device can rapidly turn pages in a book but still it is not the same.

There is nothing like having a library and quickly glancing at your shelves, pulling out just the book you want and opening it up to any page.

I like physically handling my books, touching them.  I am not dependent on any batteries.  I am not so quick to run out and get this latest technological gadget from Apple.

The brain can not be replaced by this latest development.  The brain has the ability to review thousands of paragraphs you have read and know what book a passage came from and then find it.

There is nothing like an old book store to browse in.  None of these things can be replaced by the iPad.  By now, you get the idea I am skeptical of the value of this item.

I don’t want to pore over an instruction manual just to figure out how pick up a book and scan it.  Or even turn it on.  It is just too hard.  Call me old fashioned.

The whole world has been revolutionized by the miniaturization of memory.  Gadget after gadget.  Cell phones are one major example.  You do not just make calls on them.  They are small hand held computers.  With gazillions of gigabytes of memory enabling it to do almost anything.  And the beat goes on.  Every day something new comes out.  All inventions are possible because computer chips keep getting smaller and cheaper and can hold more memory.  I really do not feel I have to jump on the band wagon and buy the latest gadget.  It will not necessarily make my life better.  I have too many distractions in my life already.