I Want To Stay Put Today

Author: siggy

I want to stay put today.  It is going to be a gorgeous day.  There are things to do around the house and particularly the garden.  There are primrose that need to be planted–four different colored buds and they are putting more flowers out.  Radishes need to be planted.  Onion sets, too.  The earth has to be prepared for them.  There is only a small window for that.  They like the cold weather.  I do not want to go far today.  If I only did those three things today, I will be happy.  The furthest I want to go away is in town.  It is going to be a beautiful day.

It was another gorgeous day. Just perfect. The days of ninety degree weather a memory. The world turns: before we know it the cold weather will come and this pleasant weather will be gone. And then spring. And summer. A constant cycle. But I do not want to rush it.

It is absolutely gorgeous today.  The sun is shining.  There is not a cloud in the sky and it is warm.  Today is a harbinger of spring.  It is officially less than two weeks away.  One of my dogs was still in the our (???) yard in the right corner.  I called him but he did not want to budge.  He was enjoying himself basking in the sunlight.  It feels great to be alive.

Nothing extraordinary happened yet a series of events followed.  And they all mattered.  I was depressed.  I did not know why but I got my body moving and focused on things outside of me.

I did mundane things like feeding our dogs and cats and filling their water bowls.  I stepped out of the house briefly and realized it was an absolutely gorgeous day in January–forty-four degrees and I wanted to spend part of the day outside.

I scattered sunflower seed and regular bird seed on the ground.  I filled one bird feeder with sunflower seed.  I know I will stare out my living window and watch the antics of the birds during the day.

I did other tasks like taking out the trash.  The discovery of my new mittens which I had misplaced brought a smile to my face.  I reminded myself we had dinner in the refrigerator.  I made a pot roast last night and there was still plenty left over.

I was still depressed but I was physically moving which was a good thing.  Sometimes you just don’t know exactly why you are depressed but I know it will end.  I did not give in to it.  That was the important thing.  I don’t always understand my moods.