I Just Wanted To Be In

Author: siggy

I just wanted to be in.  I dashed out for a quick errand and noted the temperature outside was forty degrees according to my car thermometer.  The clouds were stormy and dark–snow clouds.  I guess the cold weather is here for good.  All I want to do is hibernate and only go out when it is necessary.  Next spring and summer seems an eternity away.

I have my eyes open for the two cottontails we saw in the backyard last week.  We tossed out vegetable cuttings in the bushes for them.  They were two plump rabbits grazing in back.  We do see them occasionally around but I had not seen any in awhile.  I wonder where they come from and whether they nest under that large white pine in back.  Ever since I saw them I keep peering out my kitchen window for them.  It is going on a week since I last saw them.  I just wonder where they go in the winter, whether they hibernate, or what?  It has been months since I last saw them.

All I want to do is hibernate today:  it is 23 degrees out.  I am trying to think positive.  A month of winter is gone–almost.  No snowstorms yet.  Meanwhile I glance out my large living room window periodically and watch the multitude of birds feeding on the sunflower seed I have strewn on the ground and placed elsewhere.  Soon night fall will come and in two days a person will check our chimney (and clean it if it is necessary) and it will be safe to heat our house with coal and wood and it will be toasty, again, in our house.

It is not even winter (less than a week to go officially) and I want to join the black bears and hibernate. I checked the ten day forecast: at most the temperature will only creep slightly above freezing. Praise the Lord I have heat. All I want to do is stay in. I will make a dash for the car when I have to go out and be happy when the car heater kicks in. I will put out the feed for the birds quickly. To think, winter has more than three months to go. Presently they are not calling for snow. It could get worse.

I just want the Winter (and cold weather) to be done.  And I did have a reprieve of Indian summer.  The most discouraging thing it is not even December yet.  I feel the same way every year.  I want to hibernate when the cold weather is here for good.

It does not make any difference how much I love the mostly mild weather in Autumn and Spring.  I would like to go away when this weather arrives.  I just don’t know how to pull it off especially with our menagerie of seven cats and four dogs.

These feelings regarding the cold weather are not new.  I have all my life lived in a temperate climate.  I just don’t know if there is anything I can do about it except to move and that does not seem like an option.  I will simply pray about it.  There is nothing more I can presently do about it.

It was cold, wet and damp. To think fall was only a few weeks in and winter was next was down right depressing. I wish I could hibernate. Somehow I have to bear it (please excuse my unintentional pun). But that does not make it any easier. I will stay in, hopefully run my coal stove when the really cold weather arrives. I have had a full bin of coal that has been sitting there in back of the house for over two years. The only reason the stove has not been used there are too many boxes in that room but this year I am going to move them so I can finally light the stove. And reduce my electric bill. They are calling for colder weather than usual, so I have an incentive to move those boxes.

It Is Wet and Cold

Author: siggy

It is cold and wet and damp.  Even my dog does not want to stay out.  It is forty-three degrees.  I made sure I put a warm, long sleeved shirt on with a sweatshirt.

It is only October fifteenth but I am ready to hibernate until spring and warmer weather.  This is the time of year that all I want to do is stay in my heated (and warmer) house.  To think Autumn is just beginning.  How depressing!