Do not be afraid of rejection and reach out to others.  You will be blessed beyond measure.  There are always hurting people around you and not every person will respond to you.  Accept that fact.

Reach out to others in small ways.  A person always remembers small kindnesses.  So reach out to others.

You will be rewarded in love far beyond your imagination and your belief.  Never stop reaching out.

This is all I learned and want to pass on.  Never be afraid of your rejections.

Learn to love.  You will never be disappointed.  People always respond to kindness even if it is not acknowledged.  The person noticed even if she/he did not respond to you.  They noticed I guarantee you.

So never stop reaching out to others.  Your love is infinite.

And that which is returned.  Love is the only thing that matters in this world.

It is always there.  So, again, I say reach out to others around you.  You might may even entertain an angel.

We Are Wired To Love

Author: siggy

Saturday, February 14, 2009, 7:13 am
You Can Change the World

Life is very precious.  Every day.  Yes, we can squander some time.  And that is okay.  But if you live as if your life does not matter, it is a life of despair.  You have to feel what you do matters and you can change the world.  It does not revolve around you.  Nevertheless you have to feel you make a difference in someone’s life otherwise it is a squandered life.  All we have to do is look around at the lives God put next to you.  There are always needs out there and hurting people.  You have to figure out how you can reach out to these people your lives are intertwined with.  You just have to open your eyes and listen.  The people are always there.  We were meant to love.  We are wired that way.