One And One Are Three

Author: siggy

One and one are three. I was in my office, looked around and thought you have improved my life. It is said in the bible it is not good to be alone. I am convinced “The Creator” made marriage for one reason–to teach us to love better. It really makes no difference who your partner is. Each person in a relationship is “stretched”, has to take in their partner with all their strengths and weaknesses and somehow learn to love the other despite their flawed nature. Sure one can break up the union.  Despite that, one and one always makes three.

Do not be afraid of rejection and reach out to others.  You will be blessed beyond measure.  There are always hurting people around you and not every person will respond to you.  Accept that fact.

Reach out to others in small ways.  A person always remembers small kindnesses.  So reach out to others.

You will be rewarded in love far beyond your imagination and your belief.  Never stop reaching out.

This is all I learned and want to pass on.  Never be afraid of your rejections.

Learn to love.  You will never be disappointed.  People always respond to kindness even if it is not acknowledged.  The person noticed even if she/he did not respond to you.  They noticed I guarantee you.

So never stop reaching out to others.  Your love is infinite.

And that which is returned.  Love is the only thing that matters in this world.

It is always there.  So, again, I say reach out to others around you.  You might may even entertain an angel.