The Reality Of Can’t

Author: siggy

The reality of can’t.  There are some things we can not do.  Everyone is handicapped.  Of course, the handicaps are often invisible.  If there were thousands of talents in the world maybe you only possess several hundred.

The only tragedy of the word can’t is when you give up too soon and never find out what you can truly do.  And unfortunately that happens all the time.  That is why a computer can not replace a superb teacher (or parent or friend or mate) who can inspire you to greater heights.  No computer can do that.

Just realize there are some things you will never be able to do.  It is not one of your gifts.  Period.  And that is okay.  I believe each person I meet can do something well.  Much better than I ever can.  You just have to find his/her talent.

So don’t write off others, appreciate what they can do.  And accept your limitations.  But never give up on your talents.  Never.  Always try.  Don’t quit prematurely.

And it is not enough you can do something.  You have to want to.  That is another reality of the word.  Talent is not enough.  We are all wired differently.  So you have to listen to your mind and body.  And that is really part of the equation of the word can’t.

Imbalance in your life is not necessarily a bad thing.  I can not tell you when your life becomes imbalanced.  Only you know the signs.  I can suggest some of the signs:  you might feel stressed out, unduly nervous, usually feeling you have left something out of your life.

Your body and mind always tells you when you need to make a correction in your life.  When you have peace of mind, there is usually balance in your life, when you are obeying that tiny voice only you can hear.

But when there is too much unrest in your soul and you have no peace something needs changing.  The imbalance in your life now is a good thing.

The body and mind is always seeking a state of equilibrium.  For example, you eat a meal and your body indicates you are full.  Then enough time goes by and your appetite kicks in and you are hungry again.  And you start this cycle all over again.

And so you are always seeking a state of equilibrium in your life.  Your imbalance either too much in one direction or too much in the other direction indicates you need to make a life change–sometimes they are major and sometimes they are minor or both.

Only you know what changes have to occur.  Only you know.  And you will, also, know when you have made the right decisions.  Every one’s life goes through cycles.  You just have to listen to what your mind and body is telling you.