I don’t know whether I will live that long:  the mattress we just bought is guaranteed for twenty years.  Frankly I don’t know if I will outlive the mattress.  In another twenty years I will be eighty-three.  I know my family is long-lived.  My Dad lived 91 years and my Mom was over 81 when she died.  Nevertheless I am not sure I will make it that long.  It gets me thinking, that is all.  I need to focus on the time allotted to me.  One never knows when one’s times runs out.

Happiness and Life

Author: siggy

I never waited for any future magical moment to be happy. When I had less money I still enjoyed myself–even when I did not have enough.

Although I dreamed of a normal existence–more normal that is (an existence like one day being married and have a family, children), I still did not bemoan my fate.

And it did happen. And when it did, the period was no utopia: other problems presented themselves and had to be solved. And not all of them had a solution.

Each period of my life when I had less and when I had more I still was determined to find joy in life.

I did not keep postponing my life even when there were dreams not fulfilled. Every moment I had some joy (and sometimes sorrow) in it.

And the remainder of my life I do not dread. Death will be another joy, mystery. After all, it is another part of living. And every part is to be enjoyed.

Death Is Really Valuable

Author: siggy

Death is really valuable.  The fact that our lives are finite makes our lives that much sweeter.  What if you knew you were going to live forever; would there be any urgency to your life?  Doesn’t it make a difference knowing some day we are going to die?  And not only that.  We have no idea when.

Life becomes that much more valuable knowing it is finite.  When we are young there is the illusion we are going to live forever.  It is only an illusion, sometimes shattered when a friend close to us meets an untimely death.

I never forgot Anna Quinlan’s (the well known writer) comments.  She was in college and temporarily left to take care of her mother who was dying.  Then she returned to college with a different perspective, a keener appreciation of life.  She looked at her fellow students and considered their concerns now trivial.  Life had become very precious to her.  Her Mom died.  And the last few months she spent taking care of her illustrated to her how fragile and tenuous life really was.  She had a new found appreciation of how precious life really was.

One can not live with the notion he or she may go at any moment.  Everything is by grace.  And the awareness of the specter of death that awaits every one makes life that much sweeter and always gives you a greater appreciation of the simple things every one takes for granted.  From dust you come and from dust you shall return.  Those words in the Bible are so true.  Our society today views death as a curse.  It is really a gift so appreciate the time the Lord has given to you.  You only have one life so enjoy it and make the best of it.

If you want to cheat death, don’t worry about your life.  Take the place in the universe God Has given you.

Do what you are commanded to do, what the tiny voice inside of you is directing you to do.

Consequences always exist.  Do not be concerned about them.  Sure, take reasonable precautions, but do not let them shackle you.  Your place in the universes is unraveling.  Do not be afraid.

Follow your heart.  Sometimes it may deceive you but always return to the best life has to offer you.  Do not look at other people’s progress.  Looks are always deceiving.

Vibrate to the pulse of your universe.  It is your place.  Do not be concerned of your significance.  When you are fulfilling only the role, the place put on the earth for you there is never shame.

Too many people are trapped by the expectations of others.  Meet yours first and remember each one of us is important to the Almighty.  That is hard to fathom but fulfill the path He is laying out for you.  It is uniquely yours.  And the more you follow it the more your ripples can change the universes.  One person can change the world.  You have to believe you are here for a purpose.  You may not know it but believe you can make a difference.

To believe otherwise is to lead a life of despair.  Act as if you matter.  And you will.

What Is Worse Than Death

Author: siggy

What is worse than death is living and dying at the same time.  It is knowing you are trapped, that how you spend your time is not in the way you really want to.

Sure, everyone has obligations and duties and some people have less control of their time.  Nevertheless, if you do not have at least one area your whole heart and soul is in then you are slowly dying.

Everyone has been there before.  But you have somehow extricate yourself from that position.  One can get trapped by money, be afraid to leave a position because there will be a transition period in which you may struggle financially.  And there are no guarantees, of course.

God designed us to want to create, to do what is deepest in your fiber.  To do what we are here for.  Everyone is different.  And there are no lack of people to tell you what to do, what path to follow.

The truth is the path each one has to take has no path.  You have to create your own steps on a path that only you can define.

Only you know in your heart and soul where you must go, what you must do.  And if in your heart you know it is the wrong path or you are doing something for the wrong reasons there is deep inside of you a sense of failure.

When you have peace within you, you know you are traveling in the right direction, doing what only you can do.  It is hard resisting the pressures from outside sources.

But if you are leading your life in a way your conscience says is wrong consistently you are slowly dying and that is a fate worst than death.

Unfinished Business

Author: siggy

We always have unfinished business.  Everyone.  We pick up the threads of other peoples’ unfinished business and when the Lord takes me, someone else whose life I have impacted will pick up where I left off.  Sometimes we complete a task only we were meant to take on in life.  No one is indispensable no matter what you do or the reputation you have earned (or notoriety in some peoples’ cases).  That is only an illusion.  Life goes on and so does decay and renewal.