There is something peaceful about a snowstorm.  Everything is white–the trees the roads-everything.  I know I am not going anywhere.  There is nothing I need except my electricity.  Even if that went out I would simply bring out my candles.

At this point I do not know how long it will snow.  The flakes are tiny so I know the snowfall will be appreciable.  I will just wait it out and enjoy it.  Perhaps take a walk in it and glory in God’s handiwork.  Or just look out my windows.  And enjoy my wife’s company.

I Love The Rain

Author: siggy

rainI love the rain. I am going to spend most of today indoors. I love hearing the pitter patter of the raindrops coming down and hitting the earth. It is so peaceful.

I know I am going to have to find ways to entertain myself. I will not be consumed with what I can not do for it is raining. I will enjoy a good book, a superb conversation with my wife.

A good rainy day gives me much joy. I will enjoy the earth being replenished. There is something soothing about raindrops. I will center on what I can do, not what I can’t do.

Who am I to complain? Rainy days are there to snuggle up to your beloved, make quiet but passionate love. I love rainy days.