You never know what creatures you will see around my house.  Last week I flushed a deer in the woods out back.  It must have been drinking water from the tiny creek there.  It is not unusual to see deer in the area although that was the first time I spotted one in our yard.

A few days ago I moved my mower which was on our front porch and a two inch black toad hopped away and disappeared into a crack between the porch and wall.  I had never seen one that color before although I have seen many toads of all sizes on our porch that are attracted by the bugs the porch light brings.

Just today I saw a chipmunk on the limb six feet up on a branch of our white pine viewed from (???) of our living room.  Usually he is only seen scurrying on the ground helping himself to the bird seed scattered on the ground.  I know they can climb but that was an unusual spot to see him.  You never know what animal you are going to see.  We live on the edge of the countryside.

I wonder who will show up at my doorsteps.  Each year toads, of all sizes, from tiny to humongous, show up attracted by the insects the porch light collects.  Every year or two a large box turtle comes from the tiny creek in back of our house.

Sometimes it can be found sunning himself on the slab of concrete in back.  I never (???) exactly what creature will make an entrance.  Twice we saw large orange salamanders in the yard.

We usually uncover them accidentally:  they like moist environments.  I had no idea of their exact identity.

Once my wife saw a wild turkey in the front yard.  They are in the area but I never saw one being in the yard before.  A few weeks ago a possum was discovered by the dogs.

I shooed then away.  I thought it might be dead and was relieved when it was gone the next day.  I never know exactly what will appear in the yard.  I just enjoy and welcome the next creature who comes to our doorsteps.