We don’t need extras of this and that.  We don’t need backup printers or computers so old they run on dos.  And that is old.  We can rely that God will provide for our needs.  And when we need it.  I am tired of this clutter.  And things we just don’t need.  I keep coming back to what will happen when we both go.  Most of the stuff will just be trashed that we held on so dearly. I still remember how hard and time consuming it was to go through my wife’s deceased Mom’s stuff.  We don’t have to stock pile.  It is just not necessary.

I Am Not Afraid Of Death

Author: siggy

I am not afraid of death.  Not as much any more.  I have to live my life.  No one know when that appointed hour will come for sure.  What is worse is not living your life to the fullest.  That is worse than death.

The prospect of my demise became closer.  I had to look at it and face my fears.  There is always the fear of suffering and becoming helpless.  All I could do was grab the control that was in my reach and leave the rest to the Almighty.

Maybe it would be more accurate to say that I feared the grim reaper less.  I wanted my wife to be in the best situation financially as she could be:  wills in place, etc.  She also trusts the Lord.

That really is your only source of comfort:  God is in control and you can rely on Him.  When you realize that, death is less threatening and you can put down your guard.  Every one faces death.  You are not alone.

I was lying in bed and thinking as I was trying to fall asleep.  I must thank the Lord for everything–even this comfortable bed and pillows I am resting my head on.

Everything Is by grace.  There is no way around that.  You can think otherwise but it is futile.  You can rail how unfair life is but that is futile, too.

Less is always more.  And God does not owe us anything and everything we have is by the grace of God.  Life is never fair:  some people have more and some people have less.  The poor are always among us.  The war on poverty–a campaign by Lyndon Johnson, the president of the United States, in the late sixties was a failure.

It is true each person has to help the other in any way you can but the poor will always be among us.  Blessed are the poor in spirit.  Being poor sometimes forces us to rely on God for our provisions.  Money can insulate us from God.

There is the illusion we can provide for ourselves when we have enough money but that is only an illusion.  We need one another.  No man is an island, the famous words of John Donne.

It is far easier to lead your life with thankfulness.  Gratitude is a blessing and each person needs to reach out to others in any way they can.  In fact, in the Bible it say that if it is in your power to help someone and do not you have committed a sin.

I have to count my blessings each day.  My wife is only here by serendipity.  My attitude of thankfulness for the provisions of the Almighty gives me grace that I can not earn.  And everything is by grace.