Flowers are here today and gone tomorrow.  I was watching the tulips come up for a few weeks.  The row of tulips were planted last year.  Yesterday some of them opened and one was already past the peak.  Maybe, that is why we love flowers so much.  Their beauty only lasts a short time.  Other daffodils are opening now.  They did not get as much sun as the others.  I want to go out and examine and view them more carefully.  They are all different.  Isn’t that something?  God made each plant like a snowflake–no two exactly alike.  And if I pass too quickly I miss their uniqueness.  I have to slow down.  Maybe, that is what natures forces us to do–slow down and notice what is before us for it will disappear in a blink of an eye.

All There Is, Is Today

Author: siggy

All there is, is today.  It is so easy to be distracted.  Life is full of distractions.  When your life is ebbing away, you wish there was more.  There is only today.

Sometimes the days seem endless and that is only an illusion.  Make the best of every dawn that you face.  And when the dusk appears, rest peacefully when you have made the most of the preceding day.

That is why there has to be empty spaces in every day.  Somehow you have to stop your frenetic activity and look at your past, examine the future and live fully in the present.

There is only one go of it.  Do not regret you have wasted, squandered the most valuable possession you have–your time.

So slow down periodically, welcome the empty spaces.  It is an opportunity to examine your life and truly do what matters the most.  It is too easy to imagine there will always be another day.  ‘Life is but a vapor’ in the words of King Solomon who had it all.  So think about it.

I want to learn to be more mindful of what I do:  I like smoking cigars but I want to enjoy them more.  Being more aware I am smoking one not only cuts down on the number of cigars I smoke but also means I enjoy them more.

The less you do things routinely without thinking the more you can enjoy that activity.  That includes all your favorite foods everything you enjoy doing.  You are less likely to be overweight if you savor every bite you eat.

It is so easy to become blind to your surrounding.  That is why when you go on vacation and are traveling in an unfamiliar surroundings everything appears so fresh in your eyes.

The trick is to slow down and be mindful of everything you do.  Everything will appear to be in be in slow motion.  Maybe you can not do that with everything but it is worth a try.

There is so much beauty that is right under our noses.  And we pass by it each day without a glance.  Somehow we have to slow down and truly see what is there.  That is becoming more mindful.

It is so easy to get lost in the moment (or let us say the urgent).  You can flow from task to task never stopping.

I know.  I have been there.  You must stop, get off your treadmill, take in what is really going on.

Proverbs in the Bible says, ”Be still and know I am God.”  How can you possibly listen to that tiny voice inside of you if you do not stop your frantic activity.

The tiny voice, your conscience, is always there buried perhaps.  The only way you can possibly hear what that tiny voice inside you is telling is by stopping, changing your routine, permitting yourself to drift, do nothing.

This is very hard to do in a society that values action and does not reward quietness and being.  Yet if you do not stop how can you possibly know where you are or where you want to go or even where you are heading or the course of action you have chosen.

“Be still and know I am God.”  Very very good advice.  That is the only way you can tap that tiny voice that really never leaves.

Try taking an aimless walk or letting your mind drift.  It does not matter how you do it.  Just that you do it, slow down and tap that voice that never leaves you.  It might change the whole course of your life.  It is always there.  You just have to listen to it.