I don’t have to feel or think perfectly to thrive.  I have a bipolar disorder and I know certain symptoms persist but I ignore them and realize it is my brain tricking me.

People who are older understand this perfectly.  Their mobility may have become limited and also have other diminishing illnesses but that is okay.  You do your best and you do not complain.

Sure every disturbing thought of mine can be extinguished but at a heavy price:  I no longer would be able to function at the drug regiment (???) that would accomplish that.

I just know my subconscious can annoy me with disturbing thoughts that make me anxious but so what.  I do take the meds that lower this threshold.

I refuse not to do the things that I enjoy simply because my brain (or subconscious) is not totally cooperating.  I still do what gives me pleasure as much as I can realizing fully there are times it will be more difficult to do certain things.

At certain times I avoid crowded areas particularly restaurants fully aware that in certain states it will be more difficult to deal with my thoughts but If I have to go out to dinner I just go.

Somewhere your personality can be found in that “book” some psychiatrists use but so what.  Every person is different and flawed.  You (and other people) simply have to accept that.

The subconscious is 9/10 of your perception.  Another way of saying that is the conscious is only the tip of the iceberg.  Last night I was watching a film by Tom Hanks called “The Green Mile”.  He is a prison guard in charge of the section of prisoners who are on death row.

My wife was on the computer twenty five feet away not paying a whole lot of attention to the movie.  The next morning she told me she had nightmares.

The movie was about the evil in this world.  One of the prison guards and particularly one of the prisoners in that section were depicted as being evil. We absorb around (???) thing around us.

Although my wife was not listening to the dialogue of the movie, she caught its evil tone and it swirled in her subconscious during her sleep.  So be careful of the company you keep or what you do or see.  It matters.

Are you listening to your muse?  Only you know for sure.  I can not tell you.  Different people call it by different names:  your intuition, your “third ear” (Theodore Reich), subconscious.  There are so many different names out there for that.

I find it interesting that communication is nine tenths non-verbal according to some psychologists and we place such emphasis on the rational mind.  There are some signs when you are not listening to your Muse.  Constant unrest in your life might indicate you are not.

Your conscience is another word for your Muse.  It is the tiny voice inside you that if you ignore all the time will not go away completely causing internal unrest.

A sense of well being, peace may indicate you are on the right track.  Only you can truly know what your Muse is telling you to do.  Sometimes it does not make sense and requires a leap of faith.  And you might know only later you have followed your Muse correctly.

The world is full of people who are quick to tell you what to do and you have to pick your friends carefully or they might too easily lead you astray.  Following your muse can be a lonely path.

These are just some indications whether you truly have followed your Muse and again only you can know and can listen to that tiny voice only you can hear.  I hope these words can encourage you.