You should never ever trap someone, put them in an untenable position.  It is not that you can’t.  You can.  Very seldom is it a good idea.  I do not care what it is.  It is not a good idea.

When you back a wild animal into a corner, you are apt to get hurt.  The principle is the same with humans.  Always give the other person a graceful way out.

We all want certain things done.  And mates want their other to do things.  And there is nothing wrong in giving your partner requests.  But give them an opportunity to perform them in their own timing.

Don’t say it must be done no matter what you think, no matter how much difficulty they are having doing it or whether they think it is even possible to fulfill your request.

Always be clear what effort you expect no matter what the results.  And let your partner rest.  Do not use the word “must”.  Never trap him/her.  It is always a bad idea.

People who you know always fulfill your expectations:  believe the best in them and often that is what you get.  It is true you can not trust every person.  And you should not — for your own protection.  Nevertheless, have low expectations of others and often people will surprise you.  That is a paradox:  expect the best yet do not demand they meet your high standards and expectations.  Every person has their own timing and of course you usually do not have a pulse on their life for you only see them most of the time for minutes.  Even your mate has to be allowed his/her own timing and their own space.  People will let you down but you certainly know in your heart how many times you have failed others so learn to have low expectations and believe the best in others.  Surprises in your life will never cease.