Words Are Two-Edged

Author: siggy

Words are two-edged. Each word has its corollary. There is only another side. Realize that when someone attacks you for a statement you gave. And do not be surprised when that happens. Even in the bible one truth is balanced by another. Yes, there is absolutes.  For example first in the bible it says ,’There is a time to die and then to live’ in the same section.  Jesus also says Whoever believes in me shall not perish.  They shall have ever lasting life.  There is time for every action under the sun. The people who think they possess the truth have to be aware of that–their words always have another side to them.

Every delusion (or fantasy) of yours has a kernel of truth in it.  You need to examine it, determine the dynamics.  I can’t tell what it is telling about yourself.  Nothing appears from nowhere.  You have to determine what truth it is revealing about yourself.  It is working backwards but after you discover the truth you will understand yourself a little better and know what needs to change.  Your delusions and fantasies are fulfilling a purpose.  Nothing exists in a vacuum.

Your life crystallizes when the end is near.  Let me say, no one knows when his/her end comes.  We continue to keep the illusion our life is forever.  It certainly is an illusion.

Everyone knows the only thing certain is death and taxes to use a cliche.  Yet we act as if that truth is false.

My declining health put this truth in sharper focus again.  I do not want to waste time, which is my most precious resource although there are times I squander it.

I realize the more I can do His will, the more I can fulfill my calling the less regret I have.  I certainly can not tell you what your calling is.  Or what your tiny voice is commanding you to do.

First you have to allow open spaces in your life.  And then you can listen to the tiny voice only you can hear.  And life is full of others who are eager to tell us what to do including our loved ones.

No one knows how much time they have on this earth.  That is a great mystery.  Sometimes when you are ill you think you have an idea how long you have here but you really do not know.

What I do know is the more I listen to that tiny voice nudging me the less anxiety I experience in my own life.  And I am concerned less when that time will come.  Peace of mind usually accompanies doing His will.

I have to face each day prayerfully and allow for those empty spaces so I can listen to that tiny voice only I can hear.

And the more I obey it the more peace of mind I have.  And I thank God for each new dawn I face.  It does not really matter as long as I am doing His will.

St. Michael, Sword, DragonJust examine one section of the book in the Bible written by King Solomon (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) to illustrate this.  Truth is absolute but it is more complicated than that.  Yes, truth is absolute but is always balanced by another truth.  There is a time and place for everything.  It states there that ‘for everything there is a season,’ the section of the Bible from which Pete Seeger, the well known folk singer, adapted his lyrics of the song “Turn! Turn! Turn!” which the Byrds had a hit with in the late sixties.

In those lines you have one statement or if you want to call it one truth balanced by another.  For example, ‘there is a time to love and a time to hate, a time to mourn and a time to laugh’ and so forth.

Too many people have pulled this Scripture (and others of course) out of context and declared part of each statement to be absolute truth.  If you were to declare one statement to be absolute truth (and it is), it is not valid for an eternity.

And this happens all the time when a preacher will act as though he/she is the only one who possesses the truth, and others do the same.  Yes, there is a time and season for every truth and be aware there will always (???) another side to it and there is a season for everything.

You should cleave to your mate, which means not just sexually but every which way.  There could be too much togetherness.  There always has to be some space between both of you.  This separateness expands and contracts.  That is known as communication.

Each partner needs a sense of perspective about themselves and the other.  An outside friend always helps.  Someone you feel safe with and at the same time does not threaten your relationship.  Particularly in relationships you have with the opposite sex you have to be very careful.  Engage in communication under very safe conditions that do not unnecessarily threaten your partner.

And your situation becomes very difficult when every relationship threatens your partner.  It is a balancing act.  You always need to maintain your integrity.  Loyalty to the higher standard (truth, God, and if you want to call it the higher power) is always essential.

You want to remain loyal to your mate but at the same time it is important to keep your sense of perspective.  The only way that can be done is by having outside friends.  Those relationships also prevent you from becoming stale to your partner.  It is a paradox:  you must cleave to your mate but at the same time keep some distance (or proper perspective about each other).  Both partners are enriched by outside friends.

And each time your contact ends with your friend you have something more to share with your partner–maybe a slightly different take on something.  It is, always, as I said a balancing act.  You are always enriched by maintaining your perspective about each other.  The last thing you want to do is have your relationship to become inbred (and stale).  Then your view of each other becomes magnified (instead of realistic).

Yes, every person has a spiritual life.  You may invoke the name of God, Jesus, higher power, whatever, there is no escaping that every thing you do, say reflects some kind of spiritual value stated or otherwise.  At some level it does not matter what name you give it.  There is no escaping this.  Every action, every thing, even your thoughts reflect something even if you do not define it yourself.  Every thing you believe is reflected this way.  People around you usually know what you believe in your inmost being given enough time.  Certainly this must be true of those people closest to you:  your significant others–friends, mates who see you under fire.  It is too easy to invoke the name of God.  It is easy to tell another this is what the word of God (whether it is the Bible, the Koran or any other holy book) says but do you really believe this is the truth, this is what you believe in your heart and soul.  Hypocrisy is always recognized by others.  No one likes a phony.