We were about to get on a ramp to another highway.  It is a busy road.  And there it was–a turkey on the edge of the road.  It was an odd place to see one.  We prayed it made its way across the ramp to safety.  It was just an odd place to see a turkey.

I made a nightly run for snacks.  The convenience/gas station is open twenty-four hours.  On the way home (it was dark already) I flushed a baby cottontail who ran back in the same direction he had come from.  The next thing I had to do was step on my brakes suddenly to prevent myself from running over a raccoon.  He was right in front of me.  I even backtracked to make sure I had not run it over.  I was relieved.  There was no sign of him.  I have to be careful driving at night.  I never know what I am going to flush next.  It could be a deer or turkey or groundhog or an opossum.