I had several encounters with creatures near my house. First I ran over a box turtle not hitting it in the road and then stopped and checked on it. Someone must have hit it not too long ago. It was dead. The red blood was still fresh under it. I did not want any car hitting it again so I kicked it to the side of the road. It was about five inches long and must have seen a few years.

Last week I walked into my den and to my surprise there was a bird flying around it frantically trying to get out. That was a mystery to me how it flew by us without us first seeing it (through the open garage door). First I gave up the idea of trapping it. Finally I opened one window and released the screen window and it flew out. I think it was a house wren.

Today’s encounter was in my car. A wild turkey hit the front of my car and made it across the road wings flapping wildly. I passed that spot several minutes later and it was gone. I must have stunned it. It was no longer in that spot.

You never know what creature you will see next. I live on the edge of country.

We had a new visitor in our yard last night–an adult cottontail, which we viewed from our living room window. Sometimes we see rabbits from our kitchen window but we have not seen one from there in months. There are raspberry thickets in back, I believe, they hide under. The new visitor was there a few minutes and disappeared into the bush. I have lived here for over ten years and this is the first time I remember seeing a cottontail from my living room window. Once my wife actually saw a turkey in our front yard. I have never seen a turkey in our yard. A few days ago she saw a three foot black snake on our lawn from the bathroom window. You never know exactly what you are going to see from our living window or in our yard.

I saw my first baby groundhog.  In fact, there were four of them and they were scurrying to vanish into the undergrowth.  They were tiny–maybe six inches long.  I spotted then on my way home.  I never know exactly what I will see driving home.  Sometimes it is a wild turkey, a fawn or doe.  I never know.  It is usually when I am not paying attention.  I am on the edge of country.

I wonder who will show up at my doorsteps.  Each year toads, of all sizes, from tiny to humongous, show up attracted by the insects the porch light collects.  Every year or two a large box turtle comes from the tiny creek in back of our house.

Sometimes it can be found sunning himself on the slab of concrete in back.  I never (???) exactly what creature will make an entrance.  Twice we saw large orange salamanders in the yard.

We usually uncover them accidentally:  they like moist environments.  I had no idea of their exact identity.

Once my wife saw a wild turkey in the front yard.  They are in the area but I never saw one being in the yard before.  A few weeks ago a possum was discovered by the dogs.

I shooed then away.  I thought it might be dead and was relieved when it was gone the next day.  I never know exactly what will appear in the yard.  I just enjoy and welcome the next creature who comes to our doorsteps.