It was just another world–only six miles away.  There is an healthy Amish and Mennonite community that close to me.  Until two years ago I had no idea it was there.

We were looking for someone to build a wooden fence for our yard two years ago.  It was then I became aware of this community.  People who only used horse and buggy to get around.  And had no electricity or cars.

I became friendly with Ron a Mennonite who built our fence.  He was straight forward.  There was no guile.  He was what you see.  Totally honest.  I got to know his large family better and his life.

I marveled this community was so close.  My awareness of this started when I started shopping at a large Mennonite produce stand.  Now I get most of my produce there.  The prices are generally good.  They also have a bakery.

They know me there.  And I learned the names of the two who generally are behind the counter.  Sometimes you have no idea of another world until you change you habits a little and go in another direction.  This world was right under my nose and until recently I had no idea it even existed.

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One Response to “It Was Another World–Just Six Miles Away”

  1. Sara Bell Says:

    You’ve got a bunch of nice blurbs here, Siggy. As usual, I’m catching up. I, too, love cardinals, and especially “Dufus”…..named because he had trouble learning from his parents when he was a kidbird. We’d watch him sit on the deck while his dad tried to convince him to come to the feeder. It was really sweet. He looks a bit goofy, and last year, he lost all of his head feathers except for one…..he looked like an Indian brave. He lucked out, though, and partnered, and has brought his own kiddos to the feeder. On to apples: love them, love them, love them. Fuji and gala and a new one…..was it an imperial or princess or what? Crisp meat and sharp, succulent flavor! As to your statement (Mennonites) about changing your habits and going in another direction in order to discover new things….YES!!!!! Ever so true. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, your world, you. Peace! Sara