Don’t torture yourself with the question why.  There is no answer.  Why did this happen?  Why me?  There is no answer to that question.  As King Solomon (as well as other people) said bad things happen to good people also.

There really is no answer to that question and if you ask yourself that question why this or that happens is all kinds of reasons will cycle endlessly in your mind.  And it is non productive.

I like the much quoted lines from Dwight D. Eisenhower’s mom.  I don’t remember the quote exactly but she said, “Every one gets dealt a certain hand (in cards); what matters is what you do with that hand.”

That is what she taught her son who later became a four star general and our President.  The only important thing is what are you going to do with your particular set of circumstances.  That is it.

No mulling endlessly, Why or Why me?  What are you going to do now?  That is the only thing that matters.

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