Life is always about balance:  you are constantly seeking your equilibrium.  You may go from one extreme to another.  If you make a mistake (and we all do), you correct it, which is one way we have of balancing yourself if you want to call it that.

Sometimes we behave in a way which is going overboard:  we may push too hard with a child (it could a friend) and then take the opposite tack–loosen the reins.  Every action has a reaction and we are constantly having to adjust our behavior with others.

Our physical appetite is a simple example of this.  We don’t eat for awhile eventually we get a message–it is time for a meal (it is called our appetite).  The body is an intricate set of checks and balances.

When we get an infection our white blood cells come to our rescue to fight it.  We have no idea how incredibly complicated our body is until something goes wrong with it.  Then we find out.

Friends make mistakes with others and it is their reactions to our behavior that enable us to modify our behavior.  Life is full of checks and balances.  No one has to ever do any thing alone.  There is always someone to gauge our behavior against.  We don’t live in a vacuum.  No one does.

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