I may have to think as a fish.  I am not a very good fisherman and it occurred to me if I want to do better I may have to view the water I am fishing from the point of view of the fish.  Is the water warm, cold or whatever.  Does the particular fish I am going for going to like the bait I am dangling before it.  I am not very good at this.  Maybe, it really does not matter.  All I want to do is be outside.  At least, have an excuse.  I no longer eat the fish I caught.  I simply want to throw them back.  So maybe all this discussion is futile.  I don’t care enough what the fish thinks.

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2 Responses to “I May Have To Think As A Fish”

  1. Sara Says:

    So, Siggy, I am caught up on your blog. I am always comforted when I read about your animals. You love them…….and you also love your flowers and plants, and that, too, provides comfort. There is something sacred in connecting to all living things. It feels like a circle completed. As to fishing, I love fishing…..but more for the peace of it than for the catching. I love the sound of the stream, the smell of fall, and the fact that fish always avoid my attempts to catch them. Hemingway’s writings of deep sea fishing made me want to catch a marlin…..but I understood it all when I caught a flounder. Woman against the sea. Dinner. Strength and commitment. I’m glad you took the turtle across the road. I’ve been feeling guilty about the woolly caterpillars that all seem to be crossing the road right now. Hundreds. It is impossible to avoid killing them. They are mostly orange this year with small black tips!

  2. siggy Says:

    Dear Sara,
    Thanks for your comments. I am trying to put together another poetry manuscript and it has two tentative titles–“Living On The Edge of Country” and “My Edge Of The Country.” I am not sure which title to use. What do you think?

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