I am thrilled the Norfolk Pine is thriving in our house.  We bought it two Christmases ago and put it outside when it warmed up.  It does not like temperatures below sixty.

It lost quite a few branches when we bought it.  It was our Christmas tree that winter.  I did not entertain too much hope that it would survive another winter inside.  We placed it in another spot where it would get more light.

I was so happy when I observed it was doing well in the new spot.  It no longer was losing leaves.  In fact, it was growing–always a good sign the plant liked the spot it was placed in.

Now we will put it out again when it warms up.  I am so happy it is still alive.  I never expected it to live once we had to bring it in again.  It did so poorly the first year it was in.  This was a little thing but isn’t life composed of many small pleasures?