We had to put Pax to sleep last night. My wife could not witness it. He was a great dog–fourteen years old. This did not make it any easier. He had a full life as a big dog. With much difficulty we got him into my car. I had to wait in the waiting room about fifteen minutes. Pax was in such bad pain. He could hardly move. He had two ripped knees and just got worse with his medication. He would not stop panting. I talked to him softly, stroked him lightly while we were waiting.

Finally we got into the room and he lay on the stainless steel. I did not stop stroking him lightly and talking to him. He lay there and I kept softly stroking him on ___ and talking softly to him. It was his last few minutes. The vet explained to me what was going to happen, shaved one of his legs and gave him his injection. I talked to him softly and lightly patted him as he went from one realm into another.

I burst into tears uncontrollably when he became still. I knew him for twelve of his fourteen years. He had such dignity. In the end no matter how difficult it was for him to exit into our yard and navigate the steps, he still went out into the yard to pee.

We did this for him not us. Now he can run freely, with no pain. Maybe, one time we will meet in heaven. He was a great dog. I loved him but I had to let him go. He is now in a better place.

China and I have engrossing conversations. He is this long haired black and white exotically marked cat. We talk to one another. I “meow” and “meow”. And sometimes he replies. Other times he snuggles against me. I have no idea what I am saying in cat language but he gets the message: I love him and want to be near him. He is the most vocal of all our cats. We have seven. I have different relationships with all of them. Cheyenne, also long haired like China and his brother is one of the most beautiful cats I have ever seen. He often goes in the opposite direction when I approach him. He just does not like me. Both China and Cheyenne have the same mother Jasmine, a diminutive female who seems to get along with everyone including her four sons from two litters. Sometimes they all can be found lying near each other on my bed. I never thought I would become a cat lover but I have. They are very different than dogs. And I have four dogs. Our menagerie now numbers eleven. No fish yet.

Pax is part of our family. He is old for a large dog: fourteen years old. He once weighed ninety six pounds. He is down to eighty-two pounds and can barely get around. Both of his knees are torn and all his muscles in his back have atrophied. He has been taking pain medications twice a day and then we added an anti-inflammatory medication twice a day. Finally that was replaced by steroids which we just started yesterday. We talked
about putting him down.

He is pooping all over the house and now peeing all over the house. He is a plucky dog. He gets in and out of our house with much difficulty. I am hoping the prednisone helps him more. The vet said that outside of his knees he is in relatively good shape for a dog of his age and size. His advice was to make him as comfortable as possible. I told my wife if she was incontinent and even senile I would not abandon her. We both love Pax and will just clean up after him. We are not going to put him down unless he can not get around any longer and is in too much pain. He is part of our family.

Tilla jumped on my bed twice. The first time he got tired of waiting and sojourned to the office. When I finally went to bed, I encouraged him to jump back on the bed, which he did. And promptly thirty seconds later jumped off and went to my office. He was bidding me good night. Later on he lay at the foot of my bed. There is nothing like a dog to make you feel wanted.

Cool Hand Luke loves running past open doors and she has been deprived of late. She dashed downstairs and minutes later she returned and ran through the door. Again. (or through the door again) She is the only pet left from the three I had when I entered my marriage over ten years ago. She loved running through open doors. Open one she will dash through it and open the door a little later she will return running at top speed. She is a black female who does not get along with our other six cats too well although she is more aggressive than the others when it comes to eating from one of the two bowls we use to feed our seven cats especially if we had not put food out in awhile.

It Is A Mystery To Me

Author: siggy

It is a mystery to me when birds come to my feeders.  Sometimes the dogs chase them away.  Other times I don’t know why they don’t come.  There is birdseed there.  I just don’t know.  It is always puzzling to me that I can put out a new suet cake and the birds find it almost right away.  And that is after I have been out for awhile.  The birds provide such pleasure.  In the spring I noted we have quite a few goldfinch.  Sometimes there are so many I see them at two different feeders–the sunflower and thistle feeder.  It always amazes me that one will sit on the thistle feeder for five minutes at a time feeding.  The males are reverting to yellow, again.  We have been having three different kinds of woodpeckers come to eat the suet:  downy, red bellied and now hairy.  The hairy woodpecker has become a regular visitor.  In the past, we hardly ever saw one.  At least one knows about the suet.  The hairy woodpecker is twice the size of the downy.  Though somewhat similar in markings.

Tilla joined me in my bed last night.  My wife and I had just completed a game of Scrabble and I lost again.  I was feeling completely demoralized.  It was only a game.  Nevertheless, I was pretty depressed and I went straight to bed.  Tilla followed me and jumped on the bed.  This time he gave me room on the bed to lie on the right side.  This was unusual behavior for him.  He stayed there till I fell asleep.  I believe he wanted to comfort me.  I wrapped my arm around his body as I fell asleep.  I was glad he was there.

I could not figure out what Tilla, one of my dogs wanted.  He was jumping up and down on me.  He did not want to go into the yard.  Finally my wife commented, “He wants to go for a car ride.”  I was all set to go into town for for a quick errand.  I said, “Okay.”  And in the car he went.  I forgotten how much he loves car rides.  He even put the car into neutral, which I quickly corrected.  He stood on the passenger side, tail wagging, alert –very happy.

Tilla’s tail was thumping vigorously upon my arrival. I had been gone over three hours. My dog was really glad to see me. I quickly did the last few tasks of the evening and then went to bed. Tilla had to give me my final “good night”: he hopped on my bed briefly and then went to my office where he will spend the night on the Lazy Boy couch. There is nothing like a dog to make you feel welcome.

Coco immediately found the chocolate bar.  It was a Hershey bar that my wife put down briefly on the table after tearing it open and taking a bite.  She was not paying attention.  She heard a rustling of paper.  One of my dogs Coco was slowly making her way through the medium sized bar.  She thought no one would notice but the crinkling of the wrapper gave her away.  My wife took the chocolate away from the dog and I put the remains on top of the refrigerator.  There was no way she was going to eat the chocolate after Coco nibbled it.  I was not that particular.

I don’t know how much longer Pax will be with us.  Last night the dog came in and walked to the kitchen.  He was on his haunches and his hind legs were so weak that he could not get up right away.  He has two torn knees and get pain meds twice a day.  Our vet said on his last visit just make him as comfortable as you can.  There is no more he can do for him.  Pax is thirteen and an half–pretty old for a large dog.  The time will come when we will have to put him down.  Right now I will enjoy him as long as I can.  He won’t be around much longer.

I looked at my dogs outside.  All four.  Each was facing away from the large white pine tree forming a circle around the tree in a different direction.  I love my four dogs.  Each differently.  Coco, a female black long haired is simply sweet.  Pax the elder likes the sound of his own voice.  Sweetie the golden retriever is just that sweet and happy go lucky and loves to gnaw on branches.  Tilla and I have a special relationship.  I earned his loyalty by almost endlessly rubbing his belly.  In fact, he often gives me a hug by resting his upper body on me and then having me pet him.  He is no small dog–at least seventy pounds–very affectionate.  All of them are big.  They are enjoying the snow today.  I never in my wildest dreams expected to own four dogs (and that does not include the seven cats who roam the house).  To say the least, we have no mouse problem in our house.  I could not have imagined this menagerie twenty-five years ago.