I looked at my dogs outside.  All four.  Each was facing away from the large white pine tree forming a circle around the tree in a different direction.  I love my four dogs.  Each differently.  Coco, a female black long haired is simply sweet.  Pax the elder likes the sound of his own voice.  Sweetie the golden retriever is just that sweet and happy go lucky and loves to gnaw on branches.  Tilla and I have a special relationship.  I earned his loyalty by almost endlessly rubbing his belly.  In fact, he often gives me a hug by resting his upper body on me and then having me pet him.  He is no small dog–at least seventy pounds–very affectionate.  All of them are big.  They are enjoying the snow today.  I never in my wildest dreams expected to own four dogs (and that does not include the seven cats who roam the house).  To say the least, we have no mouse problem in our house.  I could not have imagined this menagerie twenty-five years ago.

There are differences between Tilla and Coco, who I call my “pups” (we raised them from pups}.  Coco when she wants her belly rubbed, will demurely, ever so slowly raise her right paw to indicate that.  Tilla will simply flip himself on his back and demand his undersides be rubbed.  He has no shame.  It is, though a very vulnerable position to expose your soft underside.  He must trust me.  I do usually rub his belly whenever he wants.

Coco loves her bones.  I have more than once seen her sitting so dainty like cross her front paws with a big bone laying over her front paws.  Tilla is more aggressive and if he chooses will easily take away her bone with almost no fight from her.  But do not mistake Coco:  she can quickly let us know if she wants to go out or come in.  Coco often can be found sleeping in our bedroom next to the bed when it is time for us to retire.

Oh by the way both dogs are black, Tilla is short haired and Coco is long haired.  Both weigh in the vicinity of eighty pounds.  And Coco has a reddish tint to her body.  Tilla is barrel chested and sleek while Coco is rolypoly and looks like she could stand to lose a pound or two.

Tilla is really more aggressive.  I call him “small woof”.  He is more unpredictable than Coco.  I can’t tell Tilla apart from his Dad when either bark.  His Dad (who we call “Big Woof”) is a rottweiler mix over ninety pounds.  These are just a few observations particularly of the two dogs first mentioned.

There are differences between Sweetie, my female golden retriever, and Coco, her daughter, who is completely black with a small white splash on her throat.  Sweetie does not have an angry bone in her body.  She is just that–sweet.  Coco is also very sweet but can be very insistent when she wants to go out.  Sweetie always defers to her kids–Coco and her other kid Tilla.  Coco likes her privacy:  sometimes she will go to another room by herself or if the dogs come in from the yard she may decide to stay behind.  Coco knows my bedroom routine.  By the time I make it to bed there she is lying on the floor on one side of the bed.  Coco when she gets excited may “mouth” you.  She never bites but she is the only dog to do that.  I love both of them.

My Dogs Like Broccoli

Author: siggy

My four dogs like broccoli.  Pax, our big Rottweiler mix stood there lapping up the broccoli juice from the pan til it was gone.  Tilla was kind of funny.  He started to eat a piece his (???), spit it out and then had a second thought about the taste and then ate it keeping it down this time.  The other two also had some broccoli remains from dinner.  Our dogs like veges–at least broccoli.

It was amazing to me that neither of their two dogs flinched when it was thundering while they were both lying on the couch.  During a thunderstorm all four dogs of mine crowded in the bathroom with my wife–over three hundred pounds of dogs–and it is a small bathroom.  All four dogs of ours get very nervous during thunderstorms.  They pant heavily and during the night my wife had to close the door to the bedroom during a storm otherwise she would get no sleep.

Last night Cool Hand Luke, my black cat came up to me in bed, arched her back to greet me in bed and got stroked and then settled down in the corner of the bed catercorner to me.  She is one of the three black animals who join me in my bedroom every night.

The other two are dogs:  Coco unusually sleeps to one side of the bed and sometimes Tilla is at the base of the bed unless my wife did not join me right away.  Then he will sleep on the bed to the left of me within reach of me.  This is their routine every night.  Sometimes there are more animals in my room.

Buttons, one of my cats hides under the bed and sometimes in the middle of the night there will be a scuffle between Buttons and Cool Hand Luke.  The two don’t like each other.  Other animals sometimes join us, too like Sweetie and Pax our other dogs.  It is hard sometimes not to step on a dog if you have to leave the room to use the john in the middle of the time (???).

And if there is a thunderstorm during the night all you can hear is the panting of the dogs and sometimes two or three jump on the bed.  I know it is a king sized bed but all our dogs are midsized and crowd us when that happens not to say anything about keeping us awake with their loud panting.  They simply are scared of the thunder and usually have to be kicked out of the room so we can sleep.  Thankfully thunderstorms only happen occasionally in the middle of the night.

“Tilla”, my favorite dog when he wants a hug put his front paws and chest on me when I am sitting.  He is a lean, black athletic dog who must be pushing at least eighty pounds.  He also joins me on my bed often within my reach.  My other two black animals also join me–Coco, a long haired dog at the foot of the bed (Tilla’s sister) and “Cool Hand Luke”, my cat, who sometimes arches his back nearby for a hug.  All three animals are black, a curious fact.  They know my routine and are often waiting for me in my bedroom where I go to retire.  Tilla sometimes will be waiting for me expectantly head alert.  This is a routine we have.