The differences between my two black pups now full grown are several.  Coco is long haired and when she is happy to see you, she will swish her tail back and forth slowly.  She likes to observe and takes in the whole situation.  Tilla is exuberant.  When he is happy to see you, his tail goes thump, thump.  Sometimes I will go into my bedroom and he will jump on the bed wiggling all over to greet me.  He is the most athletic.  He necessitated us building our fence higher.  He could jump over it.  He is the most unpredictable and is streamed lined really muscular.

He has some peculiarities.  He will lock himself in the bedroom and act so happy when we open the door.  Also if he joins me in the office he will close the door as if to make sure he has me all to himself.  He is male and the most aggressive of our four dogs.  If you throw four snacks out for our dogs, he will get three.

Coco is female and just plain sweet.  If she wants her belly rubbed, she will slowly demurely lift her leg to indicate that.  Coco can be quite insistent and will bark if she wants to go out.  They are only the second and third dogs I raised from pups.

The two dogs have had some different nicknames over time.  Coco is also called Coco Puff and Puffy Girl by my wife.  Atilla was originally called Atilla The Hun now shortened to Tilla, and once called Atilla The Olympian (when he kept jumping the fence) and now affectionately Tilly Willy.  Both of the dogs are a lot of fun.