You can’t stop dreaming no matter what your circumstances no matter how ill or uncertain your future is.  In the words of Bob Dylan, ‘When you are not being busy being reborn, you are dying’.

You have to have a reason to get up each day.  You have to believe you have a future.  Dreaming provides that.

No one knows exactly how much time they have on earth.  Of course if you have a chronic condition you may think your days are numbered.  Nevertheless, you have to make the most of each day.

Love with abandon.  Everyone around you.  I do not think there is a greater calling.  So you do not wallow in self-pity.  Nurture your dreams and follow some of them until your time runs out.

Do not regret the time you wasted on your death bed.  You only have one life, so live it fully.  Then there will be no regrets–only the satisfaction of a life well spent.  So nurse your dreams.