My clothes must breed in secret in my closet.  I had no idea where this blue shirt came from.  I was looking for something to wear which was warm.  And there it was.  I had no idea where it came from.  It is not that I have mountains of clothing.  I don’t, although I have to say my closet is relatively full.  I have on occasion given away clothing.  In fact, our “jacket” closet was overflowing until we gave away some less worn clothing.  Now I can find articles of clothing easier.  I don’t have to struggle to find and pull one coat out of there.  Every once in a while I find something in one of my closets and I have no idea where it came from.  As I said, the clothes I have breed while I am not watching and there it is–one of its grown children usually a different color and shape.  We will blame it on genes.

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2 Responses to “My Clothes Must Breed In Secret In My Closet”

  1. Sara Says:

    I LOVE your humorous writing. The concept of clothes reproducing when we aren’t looking would be great for stand up comedy! I think most of us have too many clothes, too many choices on any given day. The thing I hate is when you have a piece that you love…..and you get rid of it……and then you forget that you got rid of it…….and you search for it until your brain FINALLY tells you that it is gone…..and you FEEL BAD!

  2. siggy Says:

    Your last comment reminds me of the joke: What is worse than losing one glove? The answer: throwing away the other and then finding the first.

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