My clothes must breed in secret in my closet.  I had no idea where this blue shirt came from.  I was looking for something to wear which was warm.  And there it was.  I had no idea where it came from.  It is not that I have mountains of clothing.  I don’t, although I have to say my closet is relatively full.  I have on occasion given away clothing.  In fact, our “jacket” closet was overflowing until we gave away some less worn clothing.  Now I can find articles of clothing easier.  I don’t have to struggle to find and pull one coat out of there.  Every once in a while I find something in one of my closets and I have no idea where it came from.  As I said, the clothes I have breed while I am not watching and there it is–one of its grown children usually a different color and shape.  We will blame it on genes.