I tend my small garden in my TV room on the book case by the window.  There is several different kinds of cactus.  They grow very slowly.  A Christmas cactus hangs from an hinge on the top right corner of the window.  I only got it back when I promised to water it regularly.  I was neglecting it and its leaves were drooping badly.  My wife finally watered it.  On a speaker is a gigantic (about four feet tall) cactus.  We used to put it outside when it got warmer but it was becoming too large and too heavy to transport:  thus its present site for it does not get enough light to grow further.  We have a rubber tree which has really gotten large:  its leaves almost reach the top of the window. It keeps shooting out new leaves.  There is also a snake ivy plant that is having a growth spurt now and each of the three branches have new leaves coming up.  The one on the left is growing particularly quickly.  That is my small garden in my room.  I watch my plants carefully.

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