I was concerned about my rubber tree in my den. It is almost four feet high and all of a sudden the branches all drooped and I had to support the branches with wire and rope. I don’t know whether the branches will ever straighten up. None of the leaves were dying so that was a positive. About a week ago my wife gave the plant some Miracle Grow. Today I was absolutely thrilled: I found two spots where new leaves were unfurling. That certainly was a good sign. In all the years I had the plant I never fertilized it. The Miracle Grow must be doing something.

I was watching a brand new branch come up of my rubber tree which I have in my study. There was an almost two foot section of a branch which lost all their leaves. There were leaves on one end. They were curling up and had trouble getting enough light. A few days ago I noticed in the middle of the bare branch there was sudden growth and it was growing fast: Each day I could see a change in growth. There were two leaves erupting with another coming up. I eagerly was watching this. It was a treat. Each day I awaited the new branch’s progress still in its infancy.

I made several small discoveries today. My rubber tree in my office had new growth on four branches. I forgot that it has dormant periods. It is over three feet high. I give it a little water every day. That is the extent of my care. I never had one do well before. I will just continue doing what I am doing. I like looking at it every day and noticing anything new about it.

There were actually six goldfinch on my thistle feeder briefly and I noticed five or six also on my sunflower feeder at the same time. Goldfinch will sit there five minutes feeding. Now they are all gone. All the birds appeared to be male. That seems a little odd.

Last fall before the cold killed the two Gerbera daisies outside we brought them in. The annuals were going to die any way. And stuck both plants by the window and occasionally would give them water. The one closer to the window actually had a flower we discovered yesterday. I could not determine the color yet.

These were just three small observations I made in the last twenty-four hours.

I tend my small garden in my TV room on the book case by the window.  There is several different kinds of cactus.  They grow very slowly.  A Christmas cactus hangs from an hinge on the top right corner of the window.  I only got it back when I promised to water it regularly.  I was neglecting it and its leaves were drooping badly.  My wife finally watered it.  On a speaker is a gigantic (about four feet tall) cactus.  We used to put it outside when it got warmer but it was becoming too large and too heavy to transport:  thus its present site for it does not get enough light to grow further.  We have a rubber tree which has really gotten large:  its leaves almost reach the top of the window. It keeps shooting out new leaves.  There is also a snake ivy plant that is having a growth spurt now and each of the three branches have new leaves coming up.  The one on the left is growing particularly quickly.  That is my small garden in my room.  I watch my plants carefully.

I Still Watch My Plants

Author: siggy

I still watch my plants.  The rubber tree and snake plant seem to grow a little each day.  It is now out of its dormant period.  I inspect it every day or two.  We don’t do too well with African violets but the one plant in the kitchen has flowers.  Today one was completely open–a ruffled pink flower.  It will only have a total of two flowers but I will consider them gifts.  My plant inspections go beyond my house plants.  I like walking around my yard to see what discoveries I will make next.  I have a personal relationship with my plants.  I like to watch them closely.

It was a small discovery but it gave me some joy:  my rubber tree in the office started sprouting new leaves.  It responded to my giving it more water.  It is a warm room and I was tickled pink to see the new growth.  Each day now I check it and can see the discernible growth.  Life is composed of many small pleasures.  This was just one.