The Violet Was Pale Blue

Author: siggy

The violet we took from the yard of my old house was pale blue and we planted it in one section of our yard. It spread and took over two sides of a walkway. I have never seen a violet that color anywhere. It is all a mystery.

It was a weed over two feet long. I had no idea what plant it was. It sprouted miraculous in a bit of dirt right at the edge of the garage. It totally amazed me that the seed took. Now it has a bud on the top of the plant and I am really curious what the flower will look like. I know the earth will take over if we disappear. In Detroit there are wild areas in the center of town where turkey and fox roam. All that fascinates me.

I was concerned about my rubber tree in my den. It is almost four feet high and all of a sudden the branches all drooped and I had to support the branches with wire and rope. I don’t know whether the branches will ever straighten up. None of the leaves were dying so that was a positive. About a week ago my wife gave the plant some Miracle Grow. Today I was absolutely thrilled: I found two spots where new leaves were unfurling. That certainly was a good sign. In all the years I had the plant I never fertilized it. The Miracle Grow must be doing something.

I awoke up early yesterday. It was about 4:30Am and went to the top of a hill in a crematory, took out a folding chair, sat and waited gazing at the sky and stars. Despite a large cover of clouds to the right I saw seven or eight shooting stars. I thought I would try, again, today. I only saw one shooting star but what a one it was! If you face your thumb sideways toward the sky and use that length and view the trail all the shooting stars made yesterday it was only that long. The one I saw this morning the trail it left was the length of three thumbs. I was thrilled. The meteor must have been a bigger one and it took longer to burn up into the atmosphere.

I like watching my plants grow in my den. Right next to my Lazy Boy is several plants on top of a bookcase just to the left of me. I have a snake ivy I pay close attention to when a new leafsprouts. It may increase in length an half inch every day. And that amazes me. I have one cactus I inspect every day for new growth. And when it gives off a new shoot, I watch it grow bigger. I have had it for years and water it only once in awhile when it is completely dry. I just put a tiny cactus in one corner and it over a few weeks it slanted to the right–toward the sunlight. Every new discovery I make gives me pleasure.

I was so thrilled. We saw a bush in the middle of a town that had not one but two monarchs hovering around it. It was not a milkweed plant; nevertheless we saw two monarchs on it in addition to other butterflies. We tried to capture the moment on film. It was so totally unexpected. I want to plant so milkweed on our property. There is some growing a few miles away. I just have not done it yet.

I would sic the dogs on the squirrels eating from thee bird feeder I keep sunflower seeds in. I’d simply open the screen door and out they went in fast pursuit of the squirrels. My wife was afraid they might catch one so once I rattled the screen to give the squirrels some advance notice. Tilla the fastest of my three dogs took one look, noticed the squirrels had fled and refused to run out. He knew he did not have a prayer to catch one. I just laughed. He did not want to waste his time. He wanted a fighting chance.

Last Christmas my wife bought me two caged suet feeders. They paid for themselves. I would go, sometimes, through one suet cake a day. Usually in two or three days I had to put up another. Now it is weeks, sometimes a month or two that before I have to put up another suet cake. I did not realize how much the squirrels were eating. Until now.

The second suet cage I hung from a stake and can be viewed from our bathroom window. There is a tree nearby and my wife said recently she saw five birds on that tree each taking a turn feeding on the suet. The birds definitely know about the suet outside the bathroom window.

The other cage is hung up near the trunk of the large white pine which can be viewed outside our large living room window. The holes in that cage are a little bigger so a larger woodpecker like the red bellied woodpecker can reach the suet inside. Not just the downy woodpecker. I really am thrilled with this unexpected gift from my wife.

In addition to the woodpeckers the suet attracts white breasted nuthache, titmouse and an occasional chickadee and sometimes other birds like the brown creeper.

Two fawns crossed my road. I had slowed down. I never know exactly what I might flush. About an hundred feet in front of my car. When I reached that point on the road I looked into the side of the road but they had vanished. One fawn appeared to be a little bigger than the other.

A doe and her fawn crossed my road fifty feet away from my car and disappeared into the tract of woods right next to our property. It was a little over two weeks ago we saw a doe in our backyard from the kitchen window. Both of them were firsts. A doe (and her fawn) must be living in the tract of woods next to us.

It was the first time since I moved here–twelve years ago–I actually saw a doe come to our backyard. My wife spotted it first and then with an hush called me to the back window. Its ears perked up when the doe heard our voice. It probably was feeding on our mulberries. I ran to get my camera but it was gone by the time I made it back. That was a thrill for both of us seeing a deer in our backyard.

It appeared to be petrified lying there at the water’s edge. I finally viewed Lake Heron which was buried in the woods nearby me. It was part of a private camp ground. I had never seen the pond before: the entrance to the camp ground is usually cordoned off. Finally my curiosity got the better of me. It was Sunday and the entrance was open. I drove right up to the water edge. The pond is approximately an acre big. It was odd. At the edge of the water there was a big dead turtle. And what was weird about it, it appeared to be petrified–mummified actually. I had never seen anything like that. It was all dried up. I had never seen anything like that. I did not have the slightest idea how the turtle got that way.