John Dye played the role of his life as the angel of death in Touched By An Angel series–as Andrew.  I watch the series sometimes and always was amazed at the humanity he brought to that role.  Hell was never mentioned directly.  He always spoke how much God wanted you to turn to Him.  It was your choice.  Death is such a taboo in our society.  I am not sure why but it is.  John in his role spoke about death all the time.  He never used that word.  It was always come to the Light, how much God loved you and it was always your choice.  I never tired of listening to him in the series.  None of us is going to make out of this world alive.  Andrew emphasized how much it pained God to have an human separated from him.  Turn toward Him and His love Andrew said over and over.  His acting was totally convincing.  John died at the early age of forty-seven.  I would have liked to have met him.