Old friends are to be treasured.  I am visiting one in New Orleans.  He still makes me laugh after all these years.  I have known him since I was a kid.  There was a span of thirty years we lost contact.  Then I tracked him down.  We started going on a yearly camping/fishing trip.  I found out there was a reason we were friends back then.  There is still that connection between us.  There was a reason we were friends back then.  We have a history together.  I still love his dry sense of humor.  He continues to make me laugh.  Such friends are to be treasured.  Most people if they are lucky only have one or two such friends in their lifetime.

It is never too late to renew an old friendship.  I received an E Mail from someone I lost touch with.  He did a search and found my web site.  We talked on the phone today for an hour and just picked up where we had left off.  It has been a number of years since we last talked.  Old friends never leave you.  They just fade away although when one wants to be my friend again and the connection is still there I never refuse an offer.  It is never too late.  Only when death comes do you lose the final opportunity to rekindle a lost friendship.  It is never too late.  So pick up the phone now.  And call that person you no longer talk to.  If you have to reconcile a broken friendship, do so.  Everyone’s time runs out eventually.  You may regret the lost opportunities.  No one lives forever.